What Can I Do If I Feel Far From God?

An image of a new Christian reading a daily devotional Bible and praying to God. Jesus return, God love me, 10 commandments in the Bible, Jesus love, Fasting and prayer, God’s Word for today, Prayer line,

Feeling distant from God is more common than you might think, and it can be unsettling. Many of us go through such phases, wondering why the connection we once felt so strongly seems to have weakened or disappeared. Take heart; these feelings can be a normal part of spiritual growth and exploration. Let's dig into why you might feel this way and what you can do about it.

Understanding Spiritual Distance

To feel far from God isn't unusual. It happens to many on their spiritual journeys. These feelings manifest in various ways and can result from numerous causes. Recognising and understanding this sense of distance can be the first step towards reconnection.

Identifying the Root Causes

Why do we feel this way? Sometimes, it could be due to unconfessed sin, which tends to act as a barrier in our relationship with God. Other times, it might be a lack of prayer; without talking to God, the relationship can feel strained. Our busy lifestyles can also push spiritual nurturing to the backburner. Personal struggles, like mental health issues or family problems, can cloud one's spiritual vision, making God seem further away.

The Role of Circumstances

Life isn’t always smooth sailing. Challenges and hardships, such as loss of a loved one, career setbacks, or health issues, may affect our spiritual wellness. It's as if the storms of life create a fog, obscuring our view of God. In these times, it's important to remember that feeling distant doesn't mean being abandoned.

Practical Steps to Reconnect with God

If you're wondering, "What can I do if I feel far from God?" know that there are deliberate steps you can take.

Engaging in Prayer and Meditation

Prayer is your spiritual lifeline. Start talking to God, even if it feels awkward. Use simple, honest words. Meditation, too, is crucial as it helps quiet your soul. It can be a powerful way to listen to God’s whispers amidst life's cacophony.

Reading and Reflecting on Scripture

The Bible can be an anchor during turbulent times. By reading and reflecting on scripture, you may find reassurance and guidance. Don’t rush through it. Instead, savour the words and allow them to nourish your heart and mind.

Participating in Community Worship

Feeling isolated from God can sometimes come from being isolated from others. Rejoining or deepening your involvement in a church community can help rebuild your connection to God. Fellowship with others not only uplifts your spirits but also provides encouragement.

An image of a new Christian reading a daily devotional Bible and praying to God. Jesus return, God love me, 10 commandments in the Bible, Jesus love, Fasting and prayer, God’s Word for today, Prayer line,

Seeking Guidance from Others

You don’t have to navigate this alone. Seeking help can make a significant difference.

Talking About Your Feelings

Open up about your spiritual challenges. Find environments where you can share authentically and be heard without judgement. This freedom to express can lighten the emotional load and provide new perspectives.

Finding a Spiritual Mentor

Consider turning to someone more seasoned in their faith, like a mentor or pastor. Their insights and encouragement can guide you through rough patches, assisting you to rediscover the closeness you seek.

Embracing God’s Presence in Daily Life

Sometimes, it’s about seeing God in places you didn’t expect.

Practicing Gratitude

Gratitude shifts our focus. By actively reminding yourself of what you’re thankful for, you invite a sense of God's presence and acknowledge His work in your life. It's like cleaning the lenses through which you view the world, revealing God’s footprints in your everyday routine.

Acknowledging God in Everyday Tasks

God isn't just in the churches and cathedrals; He’s in the day-to-day moments. Invite Him into your daily routines, whether you’re washing dishes, driving to work, or walking in the park. By acknowledging God in these simple tasks, you cultivate a constant awareness of His presence.


Feeling far from God is an understandable and shared experience among many Christians. By recognising this distance and identifying its roots, you set the stage for profound personal growth. Through prayer, scripture, community, guidance, and recognising God's presence in daily acts, you can bridge the gap. Remember, spiritual journeys have ups and downs, but each step, whether forward or backward, is part of your unique path. Take action today to rediscover the closeness you seek, knowing that God’s presence is always within reach.


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