What Is A Miracle?


What exactly is a miracle? It's not about the regular, but about the unusual.

A miracle is described as an unexpected and welcome occurrence that defies natural or scientific explanations and is therefore attributed to a supernatural agency – the extraordinary.

Extraordinary refers to anything that is not ordinary, normal, or well-established. Wonder is another term for a miracle.

Is It Really A Miracle?

We hear the word thrown around a lot these days. “It was a blessing that I discovered a parking spot near the store,” as the “Miracle on Ice” defines the US hockey team's surprising victory over the Soviets for Olympic gold in the Olympics, or “It was a blessing that he survived the car crash,” as the “Miracle on Ice” defines the US hockey team's surprising victory over the Soviets for a gold medal in the Olympics.

Are those, however, true miracles? Or simply a series of very rare and unpredictable events or outcomes? The biblical definition of a miracle is a divine intervention that achieves a result without the use of natural means. An act that points to God as the cause.

Biblical miracles include crossing the sea on dry land, healing the sick, driving out demons, feeding a multitude with five small loaves of bread and a few fish, and walking on water. These are simply the product of God's intervention, not just an odd occurrence.

Bible Quotes

Jesus replied, “What is impossible for humans is possible for God.”

Luke 18:27

Why Did Jesus Perform Miracles?

 During his time on earth, Jesus made some incredible arguments. Jesus reminded his parents as a twelve-year-old that God was his Father.

He said something like, "I am the light of the universe..." in his sermons. I am the reality, the path, and the life... “I am the living bread that has descended from heaven...” (See John 8:12, 14:6, and 6:51.) Jesus, in response to the question "Are you the Son of God"? Yes, it is as you mean" (Matthew 26:64).

Jesus claimed to be the Son of God. The eternal, one would imagine, would be able to do something on Earth that mere mortals could not. Jesus might have been able to do miracles if he was really divine.

This is exactly what Jesus did. He was a man who could cure the sick, move on water, and even lift the dead. These miracles bolstered his argument that he was the only God who had come to save humanity.

“Trust me when I claim I am in the Father and also the Father is in me,” he tells, or believe the miracles themselves..(John 14:11).

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Jesus' miracles were more than mere proof of his divinity. The miracles of Jesus brought him a congregation to hear his message. Some people came to see Jesus because they expected to see or receive a miracle. When they arrived, Jesus used the opportunity to share the good news of forgiveness with them.

Jesus' miracles, on the other hand, were not just a publicity ploy. Jesus truly cared for others and used his divine influence to cure and bring joy to them. “When Jesus landed and saw a huge crowd, he had mercy on them and cured their sick,” the Bible says (Matthew 14:14).

Finally, Jesus' miracles aided those who trusted in him in strengthening their faith. For example, one night while a violent storm erupted on the sea, Jesus slept in a boat.

Jesus' friends awoke him, terrified, and begged with him to do something. Jesus lifted his hands in a divine miracle, rebuked the wind and the sea, and the storm was instantly calmed (Luke 8:22-25). Jesus' miracle of control over the storm bolstered his friends' shaky optimism.

Bible Quote

God does wonderful things that cannot be understood.
He does so many miracles they cannot be counted.

Job 5:9

Are There Miracles Today?

A Supernatural God

Hundreds of miracles are recorded in the Bible, including those involving Jesus Christ, such as turning water into wine, walking on water, and curing the sick. Here are nine more examples of God's amazing strength, love, and dedication to His people.

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Parting of the Red Sea

Cecil B. Demille's 1956 film "The Ten Commandments" made this Biblical scene much more popular.

This is one of the most incredible miracles ever documented in the Bible.

Envision yourself standing on the Red Sea's shore, watching it part. It will be an incredible sight to see.

The miracle demonstrates that God can save His people in any circumstance. And when it seems that there is no way, GOD CAN MAKE A WAY.

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The Sun stands still

This, I believe, is far beyond our understanding. Consider that the planet rotates at around 1,040 miles per hour.

What will be the implications of abruptly stopping it if that is the case? That would mean the end of the world as we know it!

That being said, we can see God's divine POWER to halt the passage of time while avoiding the natural effects of such behavior.

God is truly all-powerful, and since He created the physical rules, He also has control over them.

It's so reassuring to know that we have a God who is ready to fight our challenges on our behalf!

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The resurrection of the dead

The resurrection of Lazarus was one of many accounts in the Bible of people returning from the dead.

When Christ demanded to see Lazarus' dead body, many mocked Him. When Lazarus was brought back to life, however, everyone present was astounded!

Many people have come to believe in Christ as a result of this (John 11:45).

Even though all of the resurrections in the Bible (except for Christ's) are just resurrections to a temporary existence, there will come the time when all of God's servants who have ever perished since the beginning of time will rise up and meet Christ in His second coming (I Thessalonians 4:16).

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The Creation of All Things

The existence of all things is one of the Bible's biggest miracles. Consider how Mighty God is!

"Educated" people can ignore this reality and explain it by theories – theories that require more belief and faith than the belief in God's existence.

Many people have wasted time, resources, and energy trying to figure out the creation of the universe when the explanation is already in the Bible.

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The Great Deluge

The Great Flood is one of the most well-known biblical myths.

It was at this moment that God "saw that man's wickedness was great in the world, and that every motive of his heart was only evil continually" (Genesis 6:5).

Rather than allowing man to continue to harm himself, God chose to wipe them all out and start over with Noah's kin.

God vowed that He would never again send a flood to wipe out the earth and humanity (Genesis 15:15).

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The Ten Plagues

The Ten Plagues, as described in Exodus 7-12, were sent to Egypt to persuade the Pharaoh to release the Israelites.

Every plague sent by God was supposed to be a massive insult to Egypt's gods.

The first plague, for instance, was an attack against the Egyptian gods Knum, Hapy, Sodpet, Osiris, Edjo, and Hatmehyt, as the Nile River turned to blood.

This demonstrated to the Egyptians and Israelites, as well as anyone else who knew about the Ten Plagues, that there is only one supreme and LIVING Ruler of the world, and that is God.

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Feeding of the Multitudes

The Bible contains yet another amazing miracle! Imagine having just five loaves of bread and two fish and trying to feed more than 5,000 (or even 10,000) people!

What a miracle it would be if it happened right now.

When the disciples realized they weren't running out of food, they must have been perplexed.

The feeding of the multitudes demonstrates God's influence. Whatever happens, God has the ability to meet all of our basic needs.

He would not even allow the righteous to be hungry and beg for food (Proverbs 10:3; Psalms 37:25).

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Balaam and the talking donkey

It is not every day that one comes across a talking donkey! This is undoubtedly a spiritual phenomenon worth noting.

How would you respond if you were Balaam and saw a donkey talking to you? Now, it amazes me that Balaam reacted as though nothing unusual has occurred, notwithstanding the fact that this is a mighty miracle that only God may perform.

In this case, God may use even a donkey to communicate with an entity or a community of individuals.

He should have spoken with the clouds or whispered in the breeze. He did, though, choose a donkey!

I assume God is communicating to us that He may use anything to accomplish His intention.

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Sennacherib’s Defeat

This is one of the most exciting episodes in the Kingdom of Judah's history.

Hezekiah was the reigning monarch at that moment, and Assyria, the world's strongest force at the time, tried to conquer their territory.

Assyria had already invaded Israel's Northern Kingdom, and it was only a matter of time before they conquered the Kingdom of Judah.

Confronted with this tremendous danger, Hezekiah prayed to God for assistance, and God answered him.

This culminated in the death of 185,000 Assyrian troops, one of the kingdom's biggest losses!

Again, we must place our faith in God. He is our saviour supreme!

There is another wonder that must be added to the record of the Bible's biggest miracles.

Every day, God takes a rebel sinner, forgives his guilt, grants him life, lavishes him with mercy, adopts him as an infant, and seals him for eternity—all as a result of Christ's death and resurrection.

Praise the Lord for the resurrection miracle!


Accept Jesus Today

Are you ready to transform your life today and start anew with the power and glory of God by your side?

The process of obtaining salvation is very simple. For anyone to be saved, he or she must confess Jesus Christ as Lord through faith.

Everyday with Jesus, Being A Christian, Life in Christ, Faith in God, Born Again Christian, Jesus is the Way, New Believers Bible, Believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, The Lords Prayer, Christian Education, Christian Merchandise
Everyday with Jesus, Being A Christian, Life in Christ, Faith in God, Born Again Christian, Jesus is the Way, New Believers Bible, Believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, The Lords Prayer, Christian Education, Christian Merchandise

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