What Is It And Why Is It Important?


The Lord's Supper is also known as "the Lord's table" (1 Corinthians 10:21), "holy communion," "cup of blessing," and "the cutting of bread" (1 Corinthians 10:16). ( Acts 2:42 ).

It was also known as "eucharist," or "giving thanks" in the early Church (Matthew 26:27), and "mass" in the Latin Church, a term derived from the formula of dismission, Ite, missa est, i.e., "Go, it is discharged."

Why Do Christians Take Communion?

It isn't about the bread or the wine; it is all about Jesus' body and blood. It isn't about the method or the ritual; it's about paying attention to Jesus and following His instructions. Communion is not a requirement, but rather a joyous occasion.

The Gospel is celebrated in Communion: Jesus was broken for us so that we could be healed by Him. Communion commemorates the story of Jesus, who gave up everything to give us a better future, a fresh start, and a new relationship with God (1 Peter 3:18).

It's about worshipping a human, not a ritual. Jesus is more interested in how we celebrate communion than in how we do it. We should embrace Jesus just as much as we remember him.

Communion is essential because it is a command to follow. Every time we eat bread and drink wine, and even when we sit at our own kitchen tables, Jesus wants us to realize that He is the one who gives us everything we need.

He provides us with the physical nourishment we need to live, as well as the spiritual nutrients we need to continue taking our future steps with Him.

Bible Quote

While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.”

Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.

Matthew 26:26-29

What Are The Elements Of Communion?

The components of bread and wine are used to reflect Christ's body and blood.

It is not defined whether the bread is leavened or unleavened. Since it was on the paschal table at the time, Christ used unleavened bread.

There is to be no other liquid than wine (Matthew 26:26-29). This is a perpetual ordinance in the Church of Christ that must be followed "until he arrives again."

Everyday with Jesus, Being A Christian, Life in Christ, Faith in God, Born Again Christian, Jesus is the Way, New Believers Bible, Believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, The Lords Prayer, Christian Education, Christian Merchandise

An Introduction To Communion

The Last Supper is one of several significant events in Jesus Christ's earthly life that are mentioned in the Bible.

The Last Supper is a synopsis of Jesus Christ's last meal with His disciples before His imprisonment and execution on a Roman cross., which occurred around 2,000 years ago.

The Last Supper includes many vital values and is still a major part of Christian life around the world.

Everyday with Jesus, Being A Christian, Life in Christ, Faith in God, Born Again Christian, Jesus is the Way, New Believers Bible, Believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, The Lords Prayer, Christian Education, Christian Merchandise

The Significance Of Communion

Three of the four New Testament Gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, are described in the Last Supper. Here are a few of the life-changing events mentioned in Luke's Gospel. First, Jesus predicts that He will suffer shortly after this meal and that it will be His last meal before completing His work for God's kingdom (Luke 22:15-16).

Second, Jesus provides icons to His followers as a reminder of His sacrificed body and blood on behalf of all humanity. Before he handed the bread to them he blessed it, then divided it stating that this is my soul, do this in remembrance of me". (See Luke 22:19 for more information.

Third, Jesus teaches an important concept for living a Christian life: those who support others, not those who expect to be served, are the best (Luke 22:26).

"And I bestow a kingdom upon you, just as my Father bestowed upon me," Jesus says, "so that you will drink and eat at my table in my kingdom and sit on thrones, reigning over Israel's twelve12 tribes" (Luke 22:29-30).

The Last Supper has encouraged people to live by faith in Jesus Christ, helping others rather than embracing the earthly influences of hoping to be served, over the last two centuries.


Accept Jesus Today

Are you ready to transform your life today and start anew with the power and glory of God by your side?

The process of obtaining salvation is very simple. For anyone to be saved, he or she must confess Jesus Christ as Lord through faith.

Everyday with Jesus, Being A Christian, Life in Christ, Faith in God, Born Again Christian, Jesus is the Way, New Believers Bible, Believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, The Lords Prayer, Christian Education, Christian Merchandise
Everyday with Jesus, Being A Christian, Life in Christ, Faith in God, Born Again Christian, Jesus is the Way, New Believers Bible, Believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, The Lords Prayer, Christian Education, Christian Merchandise

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