
A-maze-ing! You've made a life-altering choice! Perhaps you're wondering, "What do I do now?" What is the best way for me to begin my journey with God?” The five stages outlined below will point you on the right path according to the Bible.

Everyday with Jesus, Being A Christian, Life in Christ, Faith in God, Born Again Christian, Jesus is the Way, New Believers Bible, Believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, The Lords Prayer, Christian Education, Christian Merchandise

1. Ensure that you comprehend salvation.

“I write these things to you who trust in the name of the Son of God so that you may perceive that you have eternal life,” First John 5:13 states. God desires that we comprehend salvation. God desires for us to have the assurance that we are saved. Let us quickly review the salient principles of salvation:

(a) All of us have sinned. We all have done things that offend God (Romans 3:23).

(b) As a result of our sin, we deserve eternal severance from God (Romans 6:23).

(c) Jesus Christ died on the cross to atone for our sins (Romans 5:8; 2 Corinthians 5:21). Jesus died in our place, bearing the penalty for our sins. The resurrection of Jesus established that His death was enough to atone for our sins.

(d) God forgives and saves those who put their faith in Jesus, trusting in His death to atone for our sins (John 3:16; Romans 5:1; Romans 8:1).

(e) At the moment of faith, the Holy Spirit takes up permanent residence within us. He guarantees us eternal life. He teaches us God's Word and equips us to live it.

That is the gospel message! You are spared if you have placed your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior! All of your sins have been forgiven, and God has promised that He would never abandon or forsake you (Romans 8:38–39; Matthew 28:20).

Bear in mind that your salvation is assured through Jesus Christ (John 10:28–29). If you place your faith solely in Jesus as your Savior, you can rest assured that you will spend forever in heaven with God!

Everyday with Jesus, Being A Christian, Life in Christ, Faith in God, Born Again Christian, Jesus is the Way, New Believers Bible, Believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, The Lords Prayer, Christian Education, Christian Merchandise

2. Locate a Bible-teaching church.

Consider the church as a structure. The church is comprised of its members. It is critical for followers of Jesus Christ to fellowship with each other. That is one of the church's key missions.

We highly urge you, now that you have placed your confidence in Jesus Christ, to seek out a Bible-believing church in your region and chat with the pastor. Inform him of your newfound trust in Jesus Christ.

The church's second purpose is to teach the Bible. You can discover how to implement God's commands in your life. It is critical to understand the Bible in order to live a successful and effective Christian life.

According to 2 Timothy 3:16-17, "all Scripture is God-breathed and valuable for educating, rebuking, correction, and training in righteousness," so that the man of God is fully equipped for every good job.

Worship is a third purpose of the church. Worship is expressing gratitude to God for all He has done! We have been rescued by God. God cares about us. God takes care of us. God directs and guides us.

How could we not express our gratitude? God is holy, just, forgiving, kind, and abundant in grace. According to Revelation 4:11, "You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory, honor, and authority because you created all things and gave them their being via your will."

Everyday with Jesus, Being A Christian, Life in Christ, Faith in God, Born Again Christian, Jesus is the Way, New Believers Bible, Believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, The Lords Prayer, Christian Education, Christian Merchandise

3. Dedicate time every day to God.

It is critical that we spend time each day concentrating our attention on God. This is sometimes referred to as "silent time." Others refer to it as "devotions," as it is a time during which we devote ourselves to God.

Some people prefer to schedule time in the morning, while others opt to schedule time in the night. It makes no difference what you label this period or when you perform it. What counts is that you spend time with God on a regular basis. What events comprise our encounters with God?

(a) Invocation. Prayer is simply communicating with God. Communicate your issues and difficulties to God. Solicit from God’s wisdom and guidance. Solicit God's provision for your needs. Tell God how much you adore Him and how appreciative you are of everything He does for you. That is the purpose of prayer.

(b) Bible Study. Along with receiving Bible instruction in church, Sunday School, and/or Bible studies, you must read the Bible for yourself. The Bible offers all of the information necessary to live a good Christian life.

It offers God's instructions on how to make sensible choices, discern God's will, minister to others, and grow spiritually. The Bible is God's written Word to mankind. The Bible is essentially God's instruction manual for living a life that is both pleasing to God and fulfilling to ourselves.

Everyday with Jesus, Being A Christian, Life in Christ, Faith in God, Born Again Christian, Jesus is the Way, New Believers Bible, Believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, The Lords Prayer, Christian Education, Christian Merchandise

4. Establish ties with others who can assist you spiritually.

According to 1 Corinthians 15:33, "Do not be deceived: 'Bad company distorts good character.'" The Bible is replete with warnings concerning the destructive influence that "evil" people can have on us.

Spending time with people who indulge in wicked activities exposes us to those activities' temptations. The character of individuals with whom we associate "rubs off" on us. That is why it is critical to surround oneself with others who adore and are loyal to the Lord.

Determine whether you can locate one or two friends, perhaps from your church, who can assist and support you (Hebrews 3:13; 10:24). Solicit the help of your friends in holding you accountable for your quiet time, your pursuits, and your walk with God. Inquire whether you can do the same for them.

This is not to say that you must abandon all your friends who do not know the Lord Jesus as Savior. Maintain your friendship and love for them. Simply inform them that Jesus has transformed your life and that you are unable to continue doing the things you used to do.

Pray that God will provide opportunities for you to share Jesus with your friends.

Everyday with Jesus, Being A Christian, Life in Christ, Faith in God, Born Again Christian, Jesus is the Way, New Believers Bible, Believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, The Lords Prayer, Christian Education, Christian Merchandise

5. Receive baptism.

Many people have misconceptions about baptism. The term "baptize" translates as "to submerge in water." Baptism is the biblical manner of publicly expressing one's new faith in Christ and dedication to follow Him.

Immersion in water exemplifies being buried with Christ. The act of emerging from the water is symbolic of Christ's resurrection. Baptism entails associating oneself with Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection (Romans 6:3-4).

Baptism is not the means of salvation. Baptism does not absolve you of sin. A baptism is merely an act of obedience, a public declaration of one's faith in Christ alone as the only way to salvation.

Baptism is significant because it is an act of obedience — a public declaration of your faith in and dedication to Christ. If you are considering baptism, you should consult a clergyman.