The Danger of Doing What is Right in Our Own Eyes (Judges 17:1-21:25)

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February 22

Scripture: Judges 17:1-21:25 (NIV)

The book of Judges, particularly chapters 17 through 21, presents a dark period in Israel's history characterized by moral decline, idolatry, and social chaos. These chapters recount various incidents that occurred during the time of the judges, where people did what was right in their own eyes, leading to widespread disobedience and spiritual decay.

One important verse from this passage is found in Judges 21:25:

"In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit."

(Judges 21:25, NIV)

This verse serves as a summary statement for the entire period of the judges, highlighting the moral and spiritual condition of Israel at that time. Instead of following God's commands and seeking His guidance, the people of Israel lived according to their own desires and preferences, resulting in chaos and confusion.

The chapters from Judges 17 to 21 contain stories of idolatry, violence, and injustice, revealing the consequences of turning away from God's ways.

We see examples of individuals and tribes acting selfishly and pursuing their own interests at the expense of others. These narratives serve as cautionary tales, warning us of the dangers of moral relativism and self-centeredness.

While the context of Judges may seem distant from our lives today, the underlying themes of disobedience, moral decay, and the need for God's guidance remain relevant. In our modern society, we are often tempted to prioritize our own desires and preferences over God's commands.

We may be influenced by the prevailing culture and societal norms rather than seeking to live according to God's Word.

However, the story of Judges reminds us that the consequences of doing what is right in our own eyes can be disastrous. When we stray from God's path and follow our own way, we risk alienating ourselves from Him and experiencing the harmful effects of sin in our lives and communities.

As we reflect on the lessons from Judges, let us remember the importance of seeking God's will and following His commands.

Let us pray for the wisdom and discernment to recognize the difference between what the world considers right and what God's Word teaches us is right. May we humble ourselves before God, acknowledging His sovereignty and seeking His guidance in all aspects of our lives.


Heavenly Father, we confess that we are prone to wander and do what is right in our own eyes. Forgive us for the times when we have strayed from Your path and followed our own desires.

Give us the humility to submit to Your will and the wisdom to discern Your truth in a world that promotes moral relativism. Help us to live lives that honor You and reflect Your love and righteousness.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


The Redemption of Ruth: A Story of Faithfulness and Blessing (Ruth 1:1-4:22)


The Strength of Surrender: Lessons from Samson's Life (Judges 13:1-16:31)