January 21

An image of a new Christian reading a daily devotional Bible and praying to God. Jesus return, God love me, 10 commandments in the Bible, Jesus love, Fasting and prayer, God’s Word for today, Prayer line, God loves me, Worship and prayer,

The Joy

of a New Beginning

“He gives children to the woman who doesn’t have any. He makes her a happy mother in her own home. Praise the Lord.”

Psalm 113:9 (NIrV)

For years, Priya and her husband Ravi dreamed of becoming parents. Every negative pregnancy test was a sharp reminder of their struggle. The couple decided to pursue IVF, knowing it was a path filled with uncertainty and hope.

The months that followed were an emotional rollercoaster. Priya endured rounds of medication, appointments, and invasive procedures. She often felt a mix of hope and despair, wondering if her prayers were falling on deaf ears.

One evening, after a particularly disheartening appointment, Priya sat in her car, tears streaming down her face. She whispered, “God, do You hear me? I feel so alone in this. Please, give me strength.”

Weeks later, Ravi surprised her with a small journal. On the first page, he had written Psalm 113:9. “Let’s use this to write down our prayers,” he suggested. Priya began jotting down her fears, hopes, and dreams, finding comfort in pouring her heart out to God.

Finally, one morning, Priya received a call from her doctor. She was pregnant. Shock and joy overwhelmed her as she thanked God for this miracle. The journey hadn’t been easy, but she realized that God had been with her every step of the way, shaping her faith through the waiting.

Months later, as she cradled her newborn daughter, Priya thought back to the verse Ravi had shared. The Lord had turned her mourning into joy, giving her a reason to praise Him anew.

Dear Lord, thank You for being the God of miracles, the One who brings joy even in the midst of waiting.

Like Priya, we sometimes struggle to see Your plan when our hearts are heavy.

Help us trust You in the waiting, knowing that Your timing is perfect.

Thank You for the gift of life, for answered prayers, and for the ways You transform our stories into testimonies of Your goodness.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.


January 22


January 20