God's Faithfulness and the Power of Intercession

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January 7

Scripture: Genesis 18:1-20:18 (NIV)

In Genesis 18:1-20:18, we encounter several significant events in the lives of Abraham and Sarah, which demonstrate God's faithfulness, mercy, and the power of intercession. This passage reveals how God fulfills His promises, despite human frailty and doubt, and the importance of prayer and intercession in God's redemptive plan.

In Genesis 18, three visitors, who are later revealed to be angels of the Lord, appear to Abraham near the oaks of Mamre. They bring a message from God, promising Abraham and Sarah a son in their old age. Despite Sarah's initial laughter and doubt, God reaffirms His promise, demonstrating His faithfulness and power to fulfill His word.

As the story continues in Genesis 19, we witness the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah due to their wickedness and sin. However, God remembers Abraham and spares his nephew Lot and his family from the destruction, demonstrating His mercy and grace.

In Genesis 20, Abraham and Sarah find themselves in a similar situation as before, where Abraham fears for his life and asks Sarah to lie about their relationship to protect himself. However, God intervenes and protects Sarah, revealing His sovereignty and protection over His chosen ones.

One important verse from this passage is Genesis 18:14:

"Is anything too hard for the Lord? I will return to you at the appointed time next year, and Sarah will have a son."

(Genesis 18:14, NIV)

This verse highlights God's power and faithfulness to fulfill His promises, even in seemingly impossible situations. It challenges us to trust in God's sovereignty and to believe that nothing is beyond His ability to accomplish.

As we reflect on Genesis 18:1-20:18, we are reminded of God's faithfulness and mercy in fulfilling His promises, even in the face of human doubt and frailty. We are encouraged to trust in God's sovereignty and to pray with boldness and faith, knowing that He hears and answers the prayers of His people.


Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your faithfulness and mercy, as demonstrated in the lives of Abraham and Sarah in Genesis 18:1-20:18.

Help us to trust in Your promises and to pray with boldness and faith, knowing that nothing is too hard for You. Strengthen our faith and help us to walk in obedience to Your word.

Thank You for Your protection and provision in our lives.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


The Faithfulness of God's Promises


Abraham's Covenant and the Promise of God