July 19
The Cost of
Keeping Up
"Love for money causes all kinds of evil. Some people have wandered away from the faith. They have wounded themselves with many sorrows."
1 Timothy 6:10, NIrV
Sammy and Jess wanted their son, Luca, to have the best birthday ever. They had seen the extravagant parties thrown by other parents—bounce houses, a petting zoo, a three-tier cake. They didn’t want Luca to feel like he had less than his friends.
“We’ll just put it on the credit card,” Sammy said, scrolling through party packages. “It’s only once a year.”
Jess hesitated. “But we’re already struggling. Are we really doing this for Luca… or for ourselves?”
Sammy didn’t want to admit it, but the thought of throwing a small, simple party embarrassed him. He wanted their family to look successful. So they went all out—booking the biggest venue, ordering the best food, and buying gifts they couldn’t afford.
The party was amazing. Luca had fun, the parents were impressed, and Sammy felt proud. But when the guests left and the decorations were packed away, reality set in. Their credit card balance had skyrocketed. Bills were due. And their savings were gone.
That night, as Sammy lay awake, guilt gnawed at him. He reached for his Bible, something he hadn’t done in a long time. His eyes landed on 1 Timothy 6:10.
"Love for money causes all kinds of evil… They have wounded themselves with many sorrows."
He closed his eyes, convicted. He hadn’t trusted God’s provision—he had chased after appearances, after money, after approval. And now, he and Jess were suffering for it.
He whispered, “God, I see my mistake. Please help me change.”
The next morning, Sammy and Jess made a new plan. They wouldn’t go into debt just to impress others. They would be wise with their money, trust God’s provision, and teach Luca that love—not lavish gifts—made a birthday special.
As they cut up one of their credit cards, Jess smiled. “Next year, we do things differently.”
Sammy nodded. He had learned his lesson—the love of money had led him into stress and regret. But God was leading him into wisdom and peace.
Dear Lord,
Help me to be wise with the resources You have given me.
Teach me to make decisions that honor You, not ones driven by pride or fear of what others think.
When I am tempted to overspend or take on burdens I cannot carry, remind me of Your wisdom and Your provision.
Thank You for second chances and for guiding me toward better choices.
In Jesus' name, Amen.