June 12

An image of a new Christian reading a daily devotional Bible and praying to God. Jesus return, God love me, 10 commandments in the Bible, Jesus love, Fasting and prayer, God’s Word for today, Prayer line, God loves me, Worship and prayer,

God Shows

No Favorites

“Then Peter began to speak. ‘I now realize how true it is that God treats everyone the same. He accepts people from every nation. He accepts anyone who has respect for him and does what is right.’”
Acts 10:34-35 (NIrV)

Aria walked briskly through the crowded marketplace, her brow furrowed in frustration. The streets were teeming with people, and more than a few of them didn’t look like her or speak her language. “They’re taking over everything,” she muttered under her breath, clutching her bag tighter.

She wasn’t proud of the thoughts that crept into her mind, but they felt so ingrained. At work, new hires from other countries were speaking in their native tongues during lunch breaks. At her son’s school, the parents’ group was becoming more diverse every year. Aria often felt out of place, and instead of curiosity, she let irritation settle in.

One Sunday morning, during her church’s Bible study, the group was discussing Acts 10. The leader explained how Peter had once believed that salvation and acceptance by God were only for a select group, but God revealed to him that His love was for everyone, regardless of their background.

As the leader read Acts 10:34-35 aloud, Aria shifted in her seat, the words cutting through her defenses: “God treats everyone the same. He accepts people from every nation.” Her heart felt heavy. Was she acting like Peter before his vision? Was she seeing others through the lens of her own biases instead of through God’s eyes?

The following week, Aria couldn’t shake the verse from her mind. At the grocery store, she noticed a mother with a headscarf struggling to manage her groceries and two young children. Aria hesitated but felt a nudge deep within her. “Help her,” the nudge seemed to say.

Stepping forward, she offered a warm smile. “Can I help you carry these to your car?” The woman looked surprised but nodded gratefully. As they walked, the woman shared her name, Leila, and explained that she had recently moved to the city with her family. She apologized for her English but told Aria how much she loved her new neighborhood and hoped to meet more people.

In that brief interaction, Aria felt something shift. Leila wasn’t just an immigrant or a stranger—she was a person with hopes, struggles, and a family to love, just like Aria.

That evening, Aria sat on her bed and prayed. “Lord, forgive me for the way I’ve judged others. I’ve closed my heart to people You’ve created and love deeply. Help me to see them as You do, to extend kindness and grace instead of judgment. Change my heart, Lord.”

Over time, Aria made an effort to step out of her comfort zone. She invited Leila’s family over for dinner, joined a community group with people from various backgrounds, and began to see the beauty in the diversity around her. The words of Acts 10:34-35 became a reminder that God’s kingdom is for everyone, and she wanted to reflect that in her own life.


Dear God,
Thank You for showing us that You treat everyone the same, regardless of where they come from or what language they speak.

Forgive us for the times we’ve judged others unfairly or closed our hearts to those who are different from us.

Like Aria, help us to see people through Your eyes and to extend kindness, compassion, and love.

Transform our hearts so that we may live out Your command to love our neighbors as ourselves.

Thank You for accepting us and teaching us to accept others.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


June 13


June 11