Magnifying the Name of the Lord: Reflections from Psalms 113:1-115:18

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May 28

Scripture: Psalms 113:1-115:18 (NIV)

The Psalms from Psalm 113 to Psalm 115 are a trilogy of praise, exalting the name and attributes of the Lord. These psalms invite believers to magnify and glorify God for His greatness, sovereignty, and faithfulness.

Psalm 113 begins with a call to praise the Lord, emphasizing His exalted nature and the greatness of His name. The psalmist extols God for His transcendence over all creation, from the rising of the sun to its setting. Despite His lofty position, God stoops down to care for the lowly and the needy, lifting them up from the dust and granting them a place of honor.

One important verse from this passage is found in:

Psalm 113:3 (NIV):

"From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised."

This verse reminds us of the universality of God's praise and the boundless expanse of His glory. It encourages believers to offer continual praise to God for His greatness and faithfulness, recognizing His sovereignty over all creation.

Psalm 114 recounts God's miraculous deliverance of Israel from bondage in Egypt and His provision for them in the wilderness. The psalmist vividly describes the awe-inspiring events of the Exodus, including the parting of the Red Sea and the quaking of Mount Sinai in the presence of the Lord. Through these miraculous displays of power, God demonstrated His faithfulness to His covenant with His people and His ability to deliver them from every trial and hardship.

Psalm 115 contrasts the greatness of God with the futility of idols, highlighting the foolishness of trusting in man-made gods that cannot see, hear, or act. The psalmist exhorts believers to trust in the Lord alone, who is their help and shield. Unlike the false gods of the nations, who are powerless and lifeless, the Lord is a living God who blesses His people and watches over them with steadfast love and faithfulness.

As we reflect on Psalms 113 to 115, we are reminded of the importance of praising and exalting the name of the Lord. These psalms call us to acknowledge God's greatness, sovereignty, and faithfulness in our lives and to trust in Him alone for our salvation and provision. They encourage us to turn away from the idols of this world and to place our hope and confidence in the living God who hears our prayers and answers them according to His will.


Heavenly Father, we praise You for Your greatness and faithfulness.

Help us to magnify Your name and to exalt You in all that we do. Give us the grace to trust in You alone and to turn away from the false gods of this world.

May Your name be praised from the rising of the sun to its setting, and may Your glory fill the earth.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


From Distress to Deliverance: Reflections from Psalms 116:1-118:29


The Sovereign Lord: Reflecting on Psalms 110:1-112:10