May 3
Over Fear
“Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but can’t kill the soul. Instead, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”
Matthew 10:28, NIrV
Greg stared at the financial report on his screen, his heart pounding. It didn’t add up. As a junior accountant, he wasn’t expected to question the numbers, but these discrepancies weren’t mistakes—they were intentional. His supervisor had subtly warned him to ignore anything that seemed “off.”
Weeks passed, and the weight on Greg’s shoulders grew heavier. He couldn’t ignore the fraud he was uncovering, but speaking up meant jeopardizing his job and possibly his safety. His mind swirled with questions: What if he was fired? What if the company’s powerful executives retaliated? The fear was paralyzing.
One evening, Greg attended a Bible study where the group discussed Matthew 10:28. The verse struck a chord deep within him. He realized he had been focusing solely on earthly consequences, fearing the loss of his job and comfort. But what about his integrity? His soul?
Greg prayed that night, pouring out his anxieties to God. “Lord, I’m scared. I don’t want to lose everything I’ve worked for, but I know staying silent isn’t right. Please give me courage to do what honors You, no matter the cost.”
The next day, Greg submitted an anonymous report to the company’s ethics hotline and gathered evidence to back up his claims. The investigation that followed shook the company. Executives were held accountable, and Greg’s role in exposing the truth eventually came to light.
Though Greg faced awkward interactions and a strained work environment, he felt an unexpected peace. His actions had cost him some earthly comforts, but his conscience was clear, and his faith had deepened. He had chosen to fear God over man, prioritizing what truly mattered.
Dear God,
Thank You for reminding us that our integrity and relationship with You matter more than anything else.
Like Greg, we often face situations where doing what’s right feels terrifying.
Help us to remember that You are with us, giving us courage and strength.
Teach us to prioritize our souls over temporary fears and to trust that You will guide us through the challenges we face.
May our actions reflect Your truth and bring glory to Your name.
In Jesus' name, Amen.