Prayer for sleep

Todays prayer, thank you prayer, thanking God, prayer message, prayer for sleep

Dear Heavenly Father,

As the day draws to a close, I come before you seeking rest for my weary body and mind. Grant me the peace that surpasses all understanding, as I lay down to sleep.

Thank you for the gift of sleep, a time for rejuvenation and renewal. I surrender all my worries and anxieties to you, trusting that you will watch over me through the night.

Guide my dreams with your wisdom and light, and protect me from any harm or distress. May I awaken refreshed and ready to embrace the new day that you have graciously given me.

Bless those who are also seeking rest tonight, and comfort those who may be struggling with insomnia or troubled thoughts. Surround them with your presence and grant them the peace that they seek.

Thank you, Father, for your constant care and provision. May your love be my comfort as I drift off to sleep, and may I awake with gratitude in my heart for another day of life.

In Jesus name, I pray.



Prayer for peace


Prayer for gratitude