About Me.

Hello, my name is Jason.

I am an ordinary guy from the United Kingdom, living an ordinary life, with an ordinary job, and an ordinary family. Yet I have an extraordinary future with Jesus Christ as my Saviour.

I have made many mistakes in life and still do! Being with Jesus does not make me perfect or better than anybody else. It does not exempt me from pain and suffering and the emotional roller coaster of life.

I am not a biblical scholar or some kind of expert in Christianity. In fact, I don’t really like to be called a Christian as, in today’s world, this term covers a very broad range of beliefs and denominations. I prefer instead to call myself a follower of Christ. In search of the truth.


I don’t pretend to know-it-all and I don’t want to force my faith onto anybody. Believing in Jesus is the most wonderful thing you could ever do. But it has to come from you and your willingness to accept his love and foregiveness. This cannot be forced or pushed onto you. It is offered and you have a choice to accept or decline.

What I believe is that a journey with Christ is a very precious and personal affair. There are a lot of people out there vying for your attention claiming to be right and true. And for sure there are people who can help you on your journey just as there are many people who can lead you the wrong way.

This is why I always seek the Lord first and ask for his guidance and wisdom. Is what I am hearing true? Is this church right for me? Does this plan I have fit in with God’s will? If you want to know if something is right or wrong in your life ask for guidance from the one who knows, Jesus Christ.

It is never too late to accept Jesus into your life. So why delay? Do it today and begin your own personal journey with him to eternity. No matter what you have done in the past you can begin to take Steps With Jesus today.

Accept Jesus Christ As Your Saviour Today

Are you ready to transform your life today and start anew with the power and glory of God by your side?

The process of obtaining salvation is very simple. For anyone to be saved, he or she must confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour through faith.

Everyday with Jesus, Being A Christian, Life in Christ, Faith in God, Born Again Christian, Jesus is the Way, New Believers Bible, Believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, The Lords Prayer, Christian Education, Christian Merchandise



Give whatever you feel comfortable with. God bless you.