Salvation Is Here


All people are born sinners. They (we) are born into a sinful nature because Adam and Eve disobeyed and rejected God.

They invited Satan into their hearts when they disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden and that sinful nature is still in every one of us today.

The only way to get cleansed of it is to receive Jesus Christ into your heart.

Accept Jesus Today.

Because if you confess with your mouth “Jesus is Lord” and in your heart, you have faith that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

If you are ready to embrace Jesus as Lord of your soul, there is a simple prayer you may pray. You can pray it alone or with other Christians, but no matter how you pray it, you can be certain the rejoicing will be heard in Heaven because you've been saved. Just speak the prayer out loud.

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A Sample Prayer For You

For far too long, Lord Jesus, I have kept you out of my life.

I am aware that I am a sinner incapable of salvation.

I will no longer shut the door when I hear you knock.

I gratefully accept your gift of salvation via faith.

I am willing to place my trust in you as my Lord and Savior.

I am grateful to you, Lord Jesus, for coming to earth.

I know that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who was crucified for my sins and raised on the third day.

I am grateful that you bore my sins and gave me the gift of eternal life.

Your words, I believe, are accurate.

Lord Jesus, enter my heart and be my Savior. 


I believe if you have said this prayer out loud and meant it from your heart then you have been saved.