If God Exists, Why Is There So Much Evil in the World?



For many new Christians, the question of why a benevolent and omnipotent God allows evil to exist is a challenging one. This query often leads to deep soul-searching and can be pivotal in one's spiritual growth. Understanding how theology reconciles God's nature with the reality of evil is crucial for building a strong foundation of faith.

Understanding the Nature of God

God's Omnipotence

Christian teachings describe God as omnipotent, meaning all-powerful. If God is indeed all-powerful, why does evil persist? The answer often lies in the belief that God has the power to do anything that is logically possible. However, even in His omnipotence, God allows for human freedom and the natural order to unfold, which includes the possibility of evil. Much like a parent who allows their child to learn from mistakes, God’s power provides the framework within which free will operates.

God's Omniscience

God's omniscience implies He knows everything—past, present, and future. How can this all-knowing nature coexist with the presence of evil? Some believe that God's foreknowledge doesn't dictate human actions but rather encompasses them. This understanding suggests that while God knows of potential suffering, He may allow it to bring about a greater good or foster growth and learning among humans.

God's Benevolence

A common struggle is reconciling God's benevolence with the existence of evil. If God is all-loving, how can He permit suffering? The notion of benevolence, as found in Scripture, posits that God’s ultimate love goes beyond immediate comfort. Just as hardships may build resilience, God’s love encompasses a broader, eternal perspective where temporary pain can lead to lasting fulfillment and purpose.

The Problem of Evil

Moral Evil vs. Natural Evil

The term "evil" can be divided into two categories: moral evil and natural evil. Moral evil arises from actions deliberately chosen by humans, such as theft or violence. Natural evil, on the other hand, stems from natural occurrences like earthquakes or diseases, which cause suffering but aren't the result of human choices. Understanding these distinctions helps us approach the problem of evil with greater clarity.

Theodicies and Responses

Theodicies are attempts to justify why God allows evil. One popular explanation is the free will theodicy, which suggests that God gave humans the freedom to choose, and this freedom inherently includes the possibility of choosing evil. Another is the soul-making theodicy, which argues that trials and tribulations are essential for spiritual development. These perspectives offer ways to engage with the complex issue of suffering.

The Role of Free Will

The Choice of Good and Evil

Free will is central to human existence and moral responsibility. It allows us to choose between good and evil, which in turn brings about moral evil. The ability to choose isn't just about making mundane decisions; it's about forming one's character and destiny through our actions and choices.

Consequences of Free Will

Every choice carries consequences. Free will means humans have the autonomy to make decisions that can lead to suffering, not just for themselves but for others too. Realising this helps in understanding why God allows evil and why human agency is respected in the divine scheme.

Finding Hope Amidst Evil

God's Sovereignty

In times of suffering, it’s reassuring to remember that God is sovereign. Even when it seems like chaos reigns, many believe God maintains a divine plan and purpose. This trust in God's sovereignty provides comfort and assurance that everything has its place in His grand design.

Faith and Perseverance

Faith is a powerful tool in confronting the existence of evil. Strengthening one's faith enables believers to find peace amidst turmoil. Encouraging perseverance through prayer and scripture offers solace and guidance, reminding us that God’s promises are ever-present, even in our darkest times.


Understanding the coexistence of God and evil is a complex journey that beckons new Christians to explore their beliefs deeply. By examining God's nature, the role of free will, and finding hope amid suffering, believers can grow in their spiritual journey. As you continue to explore these profound questions, know that faith is an evolving path, filled with continuous learning and unwavering support from the divine.


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