How Can the Bible Be the Word of God if Humans wrote it?

An image of a new Christian reading a daily devotional Bible and praying to God. Jesus return, God love me, 10 commandments in the Bible, Jesus love, Fasting and prayer, God’s Word for today, Prayer line, God loves me, Worship and prayer,


As new Christians, it’s common to grapple with the question: How can the Bible, penned by human authors across centuries, truly be regarded as the Word of God? This question is fundamental for deepening one’s faith and understanding the divine nature of Scripture. Exploring this topic not only fortifies belief but also enriches our spiritual journey. Let’s unpack how the Bible, despite its human authorship, stands as the divine Word.

The Concept of Divine Inspiration

What is Divine Inspiration?

Divine inspiration refers to the belief that God guided the human authors of the Bible. This doctrine suggests that while men wrote the words, they did so under God’s influence, ensuring the Scriptures reflect His divine will. Key biblical passages like 2 Timothy 3:16 affirm this, stating that "All Scripture is God-breathed." This means that although humans held the pen, God provided the substance of what was written.

The Role of Human Authors

Human authors played a crucial role in bringing the Bible to life, each contributing their unique perspective and experience. Their cultural contexts and personal insights lend the Bible an incredible richness, yet, they did so under divine guidance. This partnership between the divine and human mind ensured that God's message was accurately and authentically communicated, much like a composer directing musicians to perform a masterpiece.

Historical Context and Credibility

Eyewitness Accounts and Testimonies

The Bible’s historical reliability is backed by numerous eyewitness accounts, particularly in the New Testament. These firsthand testimonies provide a solid foundation for the events recorded, much like news reports from trusted reporters back in the day with on-the-spot updates. This firsthand evidence serves to reinforce the Bible’s credibility and strengthens its claim as a divine message.

Fulfilled Prophecies

Fulfilled prophecies stand out as a compelling testament to the Bible’s divine nature. Predictions made centuries before their actual events occurred, such as Isaiah’s prophecy of Jesus’s birth, bolster the belief that these texts are not mere human conjectures but divinely inspired words. This alignment of prophesied events with historical outcomes affirms the Bible’s status as God’s Word, much like a flawlessly completed jigsaw puzzle.

Theological Perspectives on Scripture

The Authority of Scripture

For many Christians, the Bible is the ultimate authority on matters of faith and conduct. Its teachings influence moral decisions, daily practices, and spiritual disciplines. This belief in the Bible's authority is entrenched in the conviction that the Scriptures are the direct communication from God, much like a moral compass guiding us through life’s challenges.

Interpretation Through the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit plays a pivotal role in helping believers interpret and understand the Bible, acting as a bridge between the divine and human realms. Just as a skilled translator conveys the essence of a foreign text, the Holy Spirit aids believers in grasping the profound meanings within the Scriptures. This divine assistance ensures that God’s wisdom is accessible, relevant, and transformative.


In exploring how the Bible can be both God’s Word and a human creation, we unveil a tapestry of divine inspiration and historical credibility. For new Christians, delving into this dual nature offers a path to engage with the Bible as a source of divine wisdom and guidance. Embrace the Scriptures with an open heart, and let them guide your spiritual journey, for they are more than just words on a page—they are the living words of God.


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