What Does the Bible Say About Abortion?

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Abortion is a deeply complex and personal issue, especially when viewed through the lens of Christianity. For new Christians, it's important to understand what the Bible says about abortion, a topic that stirs passionate debate. While the Bible doesn’t mention abortion directly, its teachings about life, morality, and human dignity can provide insight into this important subject. Let's explore these aspects in detail.

Biblical Perspectives on Life

The Bible offers a rich tapestry of teachings on the value and sanctity of life. These teachings can help shape one's understanding of abortion from a biblical perspective.

Sanctity of Human Life

The Bible consistently underscores the belief that life is sacred. Jeremiah 1:5 mentions, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you," highlighting the divine intimacy and value placed on each human life from its very beginning. This idea is reinforced in passages like Genesis 1:27, where it's stated that humans are made in God's image. Such verses offer a foundation for considering life as sacred from conception.

God’s Knowledge of the Unborn

Psalm 139:13-16 provides a profound insight into God's role in the creation of life. It says, "You knit me together in my mother’s womb." The imagery of God crafting an individual even before birth implies a deep involvement and care for life at its earliest stages. This paints a picture of every unborn child as a unique creation, valued by God even before they enter the world.

The Commandments and Moral Teachings

Biblical laws and moral guidelines further illuminate the considerations regarding abortion, particularly in terms of respect for life and moral responsibilities.

Thou Shalt Not Kill

Exodus 20:13 simply states, "You shall not kill." This commandment has been a cornerstone in the debate on abortion, framing the issue as one of life and death. Many Christians interpret this as extending to the unborn, seeing abortion as a form of taking life, contrary to God's commandments.

An image of a new Christian reading a daily devotional Bible and praying to God. Jesus return, God love me, 10 commandments in the Bible, Jesus love, Fasting and prayer, God’s Word for today, Prayer line,

Moral Responsibility and Consequences

The Book of Exodus also discusses laws about harm. In Exodus 21:22-25, it refers to the consequences if a pregnant woman is injured and miscarries. While interpretations vary, it underscores the importance of accountability for harm caused to others, reflecting a broader moral teaching about the sanctity of life and the responsibility to protect it.

Different Christian Viewpoints

Christianity encompasses a spectrum of beliefs, including varying interpretations of biblical teachings related to abortion.

Catholic Teachings

The Catholic Church holds a firm pro-life stance, rooted in the belief that life begins at conception. This view is supported by an array of theological teachings and church doctrines that uphold the sanctity of life as inviolable. This perspective views abortion as morally unacceptable under any circumstance.

Protestant Perspectives

Protestant denominations display a diverse range of views. Some align closely with Catholic teachings, while others offer a more nuanced stance, considering circumstances such as health risks to the mother. These differences highlight the varied interpretations of Scripture across Protestant Christianity, reflecting broader theological diversity.

Practical Implications for Christians

Understanding these biblical concepts influences how Christians navigate decisions around abortion and support one another within faith communities.

Guidance for Decision Making

Scriptural teachings provide a basis for decision-making. Christians are encouraged to seek wisdom and pray for guidance when facing moral dilemmas. The Bible’s emphasis on the value of life can steer individuals towards considering all factors and consequences thoughtfully.

Community Support and Compassion

Beyond personal decisions, the Christian community plays a crucial role. Supporting those facing pregnancy decisions with empathy and understanding is vital. Galatians 6:2 encourages believers to "carry each other's burdens," underscoring the need for a compassionate community that helps individuals navigate life's challenges without judgment.


In exploring what the Bible says about abortion, it's clear that while Scripture does not explicitly address it, the principles of the sanctity of human life, moral responsibility, and compassion provide valuable insights. For new Christians, understanding these biblical insights creates a foundation for engaging with this sensitive topic thoughtfully. By embracing these teachings, Christians can offer compassion and support to those in challenging situations, reflecting a faith rooted in love and understanding.


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