Question Request

If you have any questions about Jesus, the Bible, God, Christianity, the Holy Spirit, or any related topics, feel free to ask.

I am here to assist you in understanding and exploring these faith-related matters.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”
— James 1:5



Give whatever you feel comfortable with. God bless you.

Bible Jason Russ Bible Jason Russ

How Was Genesis Written if They Weren't There?

Genesis, the first book of the Bible, holds a significant place in Christianity. It tells stories of creation, the beginning of humanity, and the patriarchal narratives foundational to the faith.

Yet, one might wonder, how was Genesis written if they weren't there? This question ignites curiosity and invites us to explore the authorship and origins of Genesis in a fascinating blend of faith, tradition, and historical inquiry.

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Bible, Christianity, Christian Jason Russ Bible, Christianity, Christian Jason Russ

Can I Live with a Partner Without Getting Married?

Living together without the formal bond of marriage has become increasingly common, sparking curiosity and questions, especially among new Christians.

While society's acceptance of cohabitation continues to grow, religious perspectives remain diverse and deeply rooted.

Let's explore this complex terrain, considering cultural, religious, and practical implications.

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Bible, God Jason Russ Bible, God Jason Russ

Are There Different Levels or Degrees of Sin?

In the journey of understanding Christianity, the concept of sin often emerges as a central theme.

Sin, within Christian doctrine, represents actions or thoughts that go against the will of God. But are all sins viewed the same in Christianity, or are there different levels or degrees of sin?

This article aims to explore this question, providing clarity for new Christians who may be curious about how sin is approached within various Christian traditions.

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Jesus, Bible Jason Russ Jesus, Bible Jason Russ

Did the Disciples Steal Jesus’ Body and Fake His Resurrection?

The question of whether the disciples stole Jesus’ body and faked His resurrection has intrigued scholars and believers alike for centuries.

This debate holds profound implications for the core of Christian faith, as the resurrection is central to Christian doctrine.

Understanding whether this event was orchestrated or authentic is crucial in grasping the essence of Christianity.

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Bible Jason Russ Bible Jason Russ

How Did Noah and Others Live to Be Over 900 Years Old?

The notion that biblical figures like Noah lived for over 900 years is a captivating topic for many, especially those new to the Christian faith.

These staggeringly long lifespans, as recorded in the Bible, stir curiosity and provoke thought.

What can these ancient ages reveal about biblical teachings and God's design? Let's explore the meaning and reasons behind these extraordinary lifespans.

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Christianity, God, Bible Jason Russ Christianity, God, Bible Jason Russ

What if I Am Asked a Question I Don't Know When Witnessing?

Witnessing as a new Christian can be an exhilarating yet challenging experience. Sharing your faith with others opens the door to meaningful conversations and, sometimes, tricky questions that might leave you stumped.

It's natural to feel uneasy about these questions, especially if you're asked something you don't know the answer to. But what if you could view these questions as an opportunity rather than a challenge?

Let's explore how to handle these situations with grace and confidence.

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Bible, Jesus Jason Russ Bible, Jesus Jason Russ

Are We Living in the End Times?

There's a growing curiosity among Christians today about whether the events of our world signal the approaching end times. With tumultuous global events, natural disasters, and moral challenges, one can't help but wonder:

Are we living in the end times? This question has sparked intense discussion among believers, theologians, and eschatologists alike.

Let's dive into what we can learn from Scripture, analyse current events, and explore theological perspectives surrounding this age-old question.

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Bible, God, Jesus Jason Russ Bible, God, Jesus Jason Russ

What is Fasting?

Fasting is more than just abstaining from food; it's a profound spiritual practice deeply embedded in Christian tradition. It's a journey of faith aimed at drawing nearer to God, promoting spiritual growth, and experiencing divine intimacy.

For many believers, fasting is a bridge to experiencing God's presence more deeply. Let's explore the concept of fasting and its significance in Christian practice.

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Jesus, Bible Jason Russ Jesus, Bible Jason Russ

Why Was Jesus Baptised?

Understanding why Jesus was baptised has intrigued theologians and believers alike for centuries.

This pivotal event holds profound significance in Christian faith, raising fundamental questions about a figure who is considered sinless undergoing a ritual meant for repentance.

In this article, we delve into the biblical context, symbolism, and theological implications of Jesus’ baptism.

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Bible Jason Russ Bible Jason Russ

Could Noah’s Ark Hold All the Animals?

The story of Noah's Ark, a tale woven into the fabric of biblical narratives, prompts a question filled with intrigue and curiosity: Could Noah’s ark hold all the animals?

This age-old query challenges us to consider the logistics of fitting an entire menagerie of species onto a single vessel amidst the flood narrative.

With the endless diversity of animal life, imagining this undertaking stretches the boundaries of belief and science. Let's explore this fascinating topic in search of answers.

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Bible Jason Russ Bible Jason Russ

Does the Bible Have Contradictions?

Many new Christians find themselves wondering, "Does the Bible have contradictions?" It's a fair question that tugs at the heart of faith and truth.

For anyone looking to understand Christianity more deeply, it’s vital to untangle this question and explore its nuances. By examining so-called contradictions in the Bible, believers can gain a richer understanding and a more intimate relationship with their faith.

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Bible, Jesus Jason Russ Bible, Jesus Jason Russ

Aren’t the Miracles of the Bible Really Magic?

The age-old question of whether the miracles depicted in the Bible are simply forms of magic often sparks curiosity, especially among new Christians.

This topic, rich in theological depth, invites exploration of what distinguishes biblical miracles from acts of magic. Let’s dive into the heart of this debate.

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Bible Jason Russ Bible Jason Russ

What Does the Bible Say About Abortion?

Abortion is a deeply complex and personal issue, especially when viewed through the lens of Christianity. For new Christians, it's important to understand what the Bible says about abortion, a topic that stirs passionate debate.

While the Bible doesn’t mention abortion directly, its teachings about life, morality, and human dignity can provide insight into this important subject. Let's explore these aspects in detail.

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Bible, Christian Jason Russ Bible, Christian Jason Russ

Is Homosexuality a Sin?

For many new Christians eager to understand their faith's teachings, the topic of homosexuality can be particularly complex. It's woven into broader conversations about morality, sin, and how Christians are called to live.

You might wonder, "Why is homosexuality a sin?" This question often arises from curiosity about Biblical teachings and the varied interpretations that exist within religious communities.

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Bible Jason Russ Bible Jason Russ

Why is the Bible So Boring?

Many new Christians and curious individuals alike often find themselves asking: "Why is the Bible so boring?" It's a common perception that this ancient text, revered by millions, can sometimes be a tough read.

Whether it's the old language, the unfamiliar customs, or the intricate genealogies, many readers feel lost and disengaged.

This article delves into these perceptions, offering insights and practical tips to transform your Bible reading experience from mundane to meaningful.

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Bible, Christian, God Jason Russ Bible, Christian, God Jason Russ

How Do I Spread the Word of God to Others?

Sharing the word of God is an essential duty for Christians, especially for those new to the faith. It's not just about quoting scripture or handing out pamphlets; it's about living a vibrant, Christ-centered life that inspires others.

Do you ever wonder how to bring the warmth of your faith into everyday conversations and situations? Let this guide illuminate your path.

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Christianity, Bible Jason Russ Christianity, Bible Jason Russ

Can a Christian Have Tattoos?

Exploring tattoos within the context of Christianity stirs curiosity and debate among believers, particularly those new to the faith. Can a Christian have tattoos?

This question intertwines interpretations of biblical teachings, cultural influences, personal motivations, and ethical considerations. Here, we'll navigate through these perspectives, providing insights and clarity.

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Christian, Bible Jason Russ Christian, Bible Jason Russ

Is Masturbation a Sin?

Masturbation is a topic that often stirs debate within Christian beliefs, leading to confusion and differing opinions. For new Christians, understanding how this aspect of sexuality fits into their faith journey can feel like navigating a maze.

Is it sinful or simply a natural part of human life? Let's explore this question with empathy and clarity

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