What If My Government Makes Laws That Are Against God's Law?

An image of a new Christian reading a daily devotional Bible and praying to God. Jesus return, God love me, 10 commandments in the Bible, Jesus love, Fasting and prayer, God’s Word for today, Prayer line,


You're sitting there with your well-thumbed Bible on one side and a news report on the other. The page fondly worn with verses of faith, and the screen flashing government decrees. What if these two don't get along? What if your government makes laws that rub God's laws the wrong way? It's a riddle as old as governance itself, tormenting many a new Christian trying to get the lay of the land. Let's tackle this dilemma, head-on, and dig into what really counts.

Understanding God's Law vs. Human Law

Defining God's Law

God's law isn't some dusty stack of rules. It's the teachings intertwined throughout the Bible—a guide, a lighthouse. From the Ten Commandments to the Sermon on the Mount, it's about love, justice, and faithfulness. The heart of God's law boils down to loving God and loving your neighbour (Matthew 22:37-40). They're not just guidelines, they're like your spiritual compass, pointing toward righteousness.

The Role of Human Law

Now, human law is a different beast altogether. Crafted by governments to keep order, it's a structure meant to curb chaos. Historically, it's been necessary to stop people from living like it's the Wild West. But it doesn't always line up with the golden threads of God's law. Human law aims for stability, but it can swing out of sync with divine intentions.

When Laws Collide: Examples and Implications

Historical Examples of Conflicting Laws

Let's take a trip back in time. Remember when Christians faced persecution because their faith defied Roman decrees? Emperor worship was the flavour of the day, and there was no room for a God who demanded sole devotion. Then, wind the clock forward to more modern times—laws that once regulated slavery starkly contrasted with the understanding of all humans as equal under God.

An image of a new Christian reading a daily devotional Bible and praying to God. Jesus return, God love me, 10 commandments in the Bible, Jesus love, Fasting and prayer, God’s Word for today, Prayer line,

Contemporary Issues for Christians

Fast forward to today, and Christians encounter conflicts with laws on marriage, abortion, and religious expression. Policies that redefine marriage aren't everyone's cup of tea from a Christian perspective. The clash is like oil and water, pulling Christians into a grey area where personal belief and legal obligations jostle uncomfortably.

Biblical Guidance on Obeying Laws

Romans 13: The Government’s Role

Romans 13 is the go-to chapter when it comes to wrestling with obedience to authorities. It tells us governments are appointed by God to reward good and punish wrongdoers (Romans 13:1-4). But Paul doesn't say to follow blindly. It’s about respecting authority while remembering where ultimate allegiance lies.

Acts 5:29—Obeying God Rather than Men

The head-scratcher for many. When the apostles were told to zip it about Jesus, their reply was a bold, "We must obey God rather than men" (Acts 5:29). The takeaway? When human laws force you to betray God's law, dig your heels in on the holy side.

Navigating the Dilemma: A Christian's Approach

Evaluating Laws Before Disobeying

Before diving headfirst into civil disobedience, pump the brakes. Ask yourself, "Does this law truly conflict with God's command?". It's not about knee-jerk reactions; it's a call for discernment. Weigh the law against Scripture. Seek out wise, prayerful counsel. Don't just act—act wisely.

The Role of Conscience and Community

Your conscience should be your compass, not rogue impulses. Lay your concerns before your church community. Engage with fellow believers—like-minded people can help navigate treacherous waters. It’s not about being a lone ranger on a crusade; community provides wisdom and accountability.

Conclusion: Balancing Faith and Citizenship

Straddling the line between faith and citizenship isn't about choosing one over the other. It's about weaving them together artfully like the strands of a tapestry. Keep faith as your anchor, but don't shy away from engaging with the world. New Christians, you've embarked on a journey. It's not just about showing up on Sundays; it's about living a life of faith amidst a world of laws. Stand firm, be wise, and trust God to guide you through the legal labyrinths you might face.

As you ponder what to do when "What if my government makes laws that are against God's law?" becomes more than a headline, remember this: your faith isn't a puzzle to solve but a path to walk. And walking it with conviction is the truest law of all.


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