Question Request

If you have any questions about Jesus, the Bible, God, Christianity, the Holy Spirit, or any related topics, feel free to ask.

I am here to assist you in understanding and exploring these faith-related matters.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”
— James 1:5



Give whatever you feel comfortable with. God bless you.

Christian, Christianity, General Jason Russ Christian, Christianity, General Jason Russ

How Are Christians Called to Engage in Modern Culture?

In an ever-changing world, Christians face the call to engage modern culture with discernment and intentionality. This engagement is vital for those who wish to navigate society while upholding their faith.

Being part of the cultural landscape doesn't mean conforming blindly; instead, it means being salt and light – a presence that influences and transforms.

Exploring how Christians can effectively engage with contemporary culture can provide insight and guidance to those striving to live their beliefs in everyday life.

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Christian, General Jason Russ Christian, General Jason Russ

Should a Christian be Buried or Cremated?

In today's changing times, many Christians find themselves facing a crucial decision: Should they choose burial or cremation?

This isn't just a matter of practicality; it's a question steeped in deep theological significance and cultural tradition.

As individuals ponder this dilemma, understanding both perspectives within the Christian faith becomes paramount.

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Christian, Christianity Jason Russ Christian, Christianity Jason Russ

Should a Christian Read the Horoscopes or Tarot Cards?

Horoscopes and tarot cards have captivated the curiosity of many, serving as mystical windows to the future for a lot of people. For new Christians, the allure of these practices can be both enchanting and troubling.

Do they align with Christian beliefs? This exploration aims to shed light on whether engaging in such practices is compatible with the Christian faith.

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Christianity, Christian Jason Russ Christianity, Christian Jason Russ

Should Christians Be Careful What They Wear?

In the modern world, clothing is not just fabric; it's an expression of identity, beliefs, and values. For Christians, clothing is more than fashion—it's a reflection of faith and a testament to their relationship with God.

At the intersection of modesty and respect, choices in attire can either align with these principles or stray from them. But should a Christian be cautious about what they wear? Let's explore this thoughtful balance through biblical insights.

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Christian Jason Russ Christian Jason Russ

Should I Date a Non-Believer?

Navigating relationships can be challenging, especially when it involves matters of faith.

For new Christians, the question, "Should I date a non-believer?" is not only a question of the heart but also one of faith and spiritual alignment.

This decision carries emotional, spiritual, and practical implications that deserve careful consideration. Let’s explore both sides of this important topic.

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Bible, Christianity, Christian Jason Russ Bible, Christianity, Christian Jason Russ

Can I Live with a Partner Without Getting Married?

Living together without the formal bond of marriage has become increasingly common, sparking curiosity and questions, especially among new Christians.

While society's acceptance of cohabitation continues to grow, religious perspectives remain diverse and deeply rooted.

Let's explore this complex terrain, considering cultural, religious, and practical implications.

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God, Christian Jason Russ God, Christian Jason Russ

Do Christians, Muslims, and Jews Worship the Same God?

In today's multicultural society, the question "Do Christians, Muslims, and Jews worship the same God?" sparks curiosity and debate.

This query isn't just theological; it holds significance for interfaith dialogue and global harmony. With roots in the ancient traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, understanding this question could bridge divides.

For those curious about Christianity and its relationship with other religions, it's worth exploring the shared histories and distinct beliefs that shape these faiths.

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Christian, Christianity Jason Russ Christian, Christianity Jason Russ

Should a Christian Gamble or Do the Lottery?

Gambling and lotteries stir curiosity and concern within the Christian community, especially for new believers exploring their faith. As with many ethical questions, Christians often seek guidance from both scripture and traditions to navigate these modern matters.

But what does Christianity truly say about gambling and the lottery? Let's explore this topic through definitions, biblical perspectives, and practical considerations.

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Christianity, Christian, Church Jason Russ Christianity, Christian, Church Jason Russ

Is It Okay to Baptize Infants?

Baptism is a deeply significant practice within Christianity, often seen as a rite of passage into the faith. However, the question of whether it's okay to baptize infants has been debated extensively. Various Christian denominations hold different beliefs regarding this practice.

For many, infant baptism is a foundational tradition, while others view it as unnecessary or even improper. Let's explore the perspectives and reasons surrounding this profound question.

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Christian, Christianity Jason Russ Christian, Christianity Jason Russ

What Does It Mean to Be Born Again?

The term "born again" holds profound significance in Christianity. It's not about a physical rebirth but a spiritual awakening. It's a transformation that signifies a newfound relationship with God, symbolising forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life.

New Christians often feel this idea resonates with their desire for a fresh start and deeper spiritual connection. But what exactly does being "born again" involve, and how does it manifest in one's life?

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Church, Christianity, Christian Jason Russ Church, Christianity, Christian Jason Russ

What is Tithing and Do I Need to Do It?

The concept of tithing is one that often raises questions among new Christians and those curious about the faith. At its core, tithing is a practice with biblical roots that involves giving a portion of one's income, traditionally 10%, to the church.

The question of whether one needs to tithe is a common query for many entering the faith. Let's explore what tithing really means, its significance, and whether it's something you need to do.

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Christian, Christianity, God Jason Russ Christian, Christianity, God Jason Russ

How Can I Find Meaning in Life?

Finding meaning in life is a deeply personal journey that can be challenging yet profoundly rewarding. For new Christians, this search is often intertwined with faith, offering guidance and purpose through Christian teachings.

This article explores how Christianity provides a framework for discovering life's meaning, enriched by biblical teachings and practical steps to guide your journey.

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Christian, Christianity, Jesus Jason Russ Christian, Christianity, Jesus Jason Russ

Should I Be Baptised?

Baptism holds a unique place in Christianity. It's more than just a ritual; it's a profound public declaration of faith. For new Christians, this significant step often brings questions.

Should you be baptised? What does it mean? How does it fit within your personal journey of faith? Let's explore these questions together, shedding light on what baptism truly signifies and why it might be a path worth considering.

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Christian, Christianity Jason Russ Christian, Christianity Jason Russ

As a Christian, Should I Use Birth Control?

Understanding the intersection of faith and personal choice can be a complex journey. One of the areas where this often comes into conflict is the use of birth control.

For Christians, this is not merely about health or convenience; it's a deeply personal decision that ties into one's faith and understanding of biblical teachings.

This article aims to explore this topic, offering insights into the considerations a Christian might weigh when deciding whether or not to use birth control.

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Christian, Christianity Jason Russ Christian, Christianity Jason Russ

What Does the Bible Say About Sex Before Marriage?

In a world rife with differing views on relationships and sexuality, understanding what the Bible says about sex before marriage is crucial, especially for new Christians.

Engaging with this topic isn’t about wielding judgment but exploring a biblical perspective that informs a foundational aspect of Christian living. How does Scripture guide believers in approaching this intimate act?

This article aims to illuminate the biblical stance on premarital sex, offering insights drawn from various scriptural passages.

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Christianity, Christian Jason Russ Christianity, Christian Jason Russ

What is Salvation?

Salvation is one of the most fundamental and profound concepts in Christianity. For new Christians, unraveling the depths of its meaning is not only enlightening but also pivotal to strengthening one's faith.

Whether you're freshly exploring the richness of Christianity or just curious, understanding the doctrine of salvation is key to appreciating the Christian faith.

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Christian, Christianity Jason Russ Christian, Christianity Jason Russ

What Happens When You Die?

Death is a concept that intrigues and puzzles us all, especially those new to Christian beliefs. It can raise a lot of questions about life, the soul, and what might lie beyond our physical existence.

For new Christians, understanding death from a biblical standpoint provides comfort and insight into the infinite. Let's explore what happens when you die, according to Christian faith.

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Christian Jason Russ Christian Jason Russ

What If My Spouse Disagrees with My Choice to Be a Christian?

Choosing to embrace Christianity can be an emotional journey, filled with both spiritual fulfilment and personal challenges. But what happens when your spouse doesn't share your newfound beliefs?

This divergence can spark tension, leaving you feeling isolated or misunderstood. Navigating such complexities requires a delicate balance of understanding, empathy, and respect.

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Bible, Christian Jason Russ Bible, Christian Jason Russ

Is Homosexuality a Sin?

For many new Christians eager to understand their faith's teachings, the topic of homosexuality can be particularly complex. It's woven into broader conversations about morality, sin, and how Christians are called to live.

You might wonder, "Why is homosexuality a sin?" This question often arises from curiosity about Biblical teachings and the varied interpretations that exist within religious communities.

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Christian, God Jason Russ Christian, God Jason Russ

What If I Can't Stop Sinning?

Feeling stuck in a cycle of sin can be frustrating and overwhelming, particularly for new Christians. The journey of faith is filled with challenges, and grappling with sin is one of them.

Many ask, “What if I can't stop sinning?” This article aims to explore this question, offering insights and guidance rooted in Christian teachings.

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