What is Faith and How to Exercise It Daily?

An image of a new Christian reading a daily devotional Bible and praying to God. Jesus return, God love me, 10 commandments in the Bible, Jesus love, Fasting and prayer, God’s Word for today, Prayer line,

Faith is a fundamental aspect of Christianity, offering a foundation upon which believers build their lives. It's like a lighthouse in the dark, guiding and illuminating the way. For new Christians or those curious about the faith, understanding and practising faith daily can profoundly enrich one's spiritual journey. This article unpacks the concept of faith in Christianity and provides actionable insights on how to make it an integral part of everyday life.

Defining Faith in Christianity

To truly grasp faith, we must look at its biblical roots. Faith isn’t just about belief, it's the assurance of things hoped for, and the conviction of things unseen. It acts as the lens through which Christians view the world—transforming mere existence into a meaningful experience.

Biblical References to Faith

The Bible is rich with verses that articulate the essence of faith. Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as “the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” This passage gives insight into the nature of faith as a confident trust in God’s promises, even when they aren't immediately visible. Another significant reference is found in 2 Corinthians 5:7, which encourages believers to “walk by faith, not by sight,” emphasising living in trust rather than just reliance on physical evidence.

The Role of Faith in Salvation

In Christian doctrine, faith holds a pivotal role in salvation. According to Ephesians 2:8-9, salvation is a gift from God received through faith, not by works. This means that faith is not merely intellectual assent but a wholehearted trust in divine grace. It's akin to taking a leap of faith, trusting that the net will appear.

Why Exercising Faith is Important

Much like physical fitness, spiritual health requires regular activity. Exercising faith is vital as it nurtures the spirit, providing strength and solidarity in times of challenge.

Faith as a Source of Strength

Faith acts as a sturdy anchor amidst life’s turbulent storms. When life throws curveballs, a strong faith offers comfort and resilience. It can transform despair into hope and hopelessness into determination. It's the invisible backbone, providing support when the weight of the world feels overwhelming.

Faith and Community Support

Faith also forges connections within the community. It encourages believers to come together, share experiences, and provide mutual support. Whether through church groups, Bible studies, or communal prayers, faith fosters a network of support that uplifts and strengthens each individual.

Ways to Exercise Faith Daily

Integrating faith into your daily routine doesn’t need to be complex. Here are simple yet meaningful ways to do so:

Prayer and Meditation

Prayer is the lifeline of faith, a direct communication line with God. Start your day with prayer, thanking for blessings and seeking guidance. Meditation complements this by allowing reflection on scriptures and internalising their teachings. It's like watering a plant, nurturing spiritual growth.

Acts of Kindness and Service

Faith isn’t confined to personal practice; it's expressed through actions. Small acts of kindness, like helping a neighbour or volunteering, exemplify faith in action. These acts reinforce the belief that love and compassion are cornerstones of the Christian faith.

Studying Scripture

Scripture study is critical for deepening understanding and growing in faith. Set aside time each day to read the Bible, explore its teachings, and apply them to daily life. It's like feeding your soul, providing nourishment and development.

Overcoming Doubts and Challenges

Every believer faces moments of doubt. It's a natural part of the journey, yet there are ways to navigate these turbulent waters.

Recognising Doubts

Acknowledging doubts is the first step to overcoming them. Pretending they don’t exist only exacerbates uncertainty. Engage with these doubts, discuss them with trusted friends, or seek guidance from faith leaders. Remember, doubt can be a doorway to deeper understanding and stronger faith.

Building Resilience through Faith

Resilience is built by facing adversity head-on, with faith as your shield. Maintain practices like prayer, scripture reading, and community involvement to fortify your faith. Consider faith not as a static state but a dynamic process—growing and evolving through life’s trials.


In exploring what faith is and how to exercise it daily, remember that faith is both a gift and a practice. It's a beacon during life's storms and a source of endless strength. Incorporating prayer, acts of service, and scripture study into your daily life enriches your spiritual journey, ensuring faith isn’t a destination, but a continuous path. Embrace faith daily and watch it transform your approach to life, offering hope, strength, and a deeper connection to the divine.


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