Trusting God in Times of Trouble: Lessons from Asa's Reign (2 Chronicles 14:2-16:14)

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April 1

Scripture: 2 Chronicles 14:2 - 16:14 (NIV)

In the passage from 2 Chronicles 14:2 to 16:14, we delve into the reign of King Asa of Judah. Asa was known for his faithfulness to the Lord, yet he also faced challenges and made decisions that had significant consequences. This narrative provides valuable insights into trusting God during times of trouble and remaining steadfast in our faith.

Asa began his reign by leading Judah in a revival of worship and obedience to God. He removed idols from the land and encouraged the people to seek the Lord wholeheartedly. Under his leadership, Judah experienced a time of peace and prosperity, and Asa built fortified cities to protect the kingdom from enemy attacks.

However, Asa faced a significant test when the Ethiopian army, led by Zerah the Cushite, marched against Judah with a vast army. Despite being greatly outnumbered, Asa turned to the Lord for help and cried out in prayer, acknowledging God's power and seeking His intervention. In response, the Lord delivered a miraculous victory, routing the Ethiopian army and allowing Judah to plunder their camp.

One important verse from this passage is found in:

2 Chronicles 14:11 (NIV):

"Then Asa called to the Lord his God and said, 'Lord, there is no one like you to help the powerless against the mighty.

Help us, Lord our God, for we rely on you, and in your name we have come against this vast army. Lord, you are our God; do not let mere mortals prevail against you.'"

This verse highlights Asa's trust in God's power and his reliance on Him in the face of overwhelming odds. Asa recognized that victory could only come from the Lord, and he humbly appealed to God for assistance. This serves as a powerful reminder for us today to trust in God's sovereignty and seek His help in times of trouble, knowing that He is able to deliver us from any situation.

Despite his early faithfulness, Asa's reign took a turn when he sought help from the king of Aram instead of relying on the Lord. Instead of trusting God to deliver them from an attack by King Baasha of Israel, Asa paid tribute to the king of Aram to form an alliance. As a result, Asa faced criticism from the prophet Hanani, who rebuked him for his lack of faith and reliance on human strength instead of God.

The story of Asa's reign teaches us the importance of unwavering trust in God, even when faced with daunting challenges. It reminds us that God is our ultimate source of strength and victory, and that we must rely on Him alone in every situation.


Heavenly Father, like King Asa, we acknowledge that there is no one like You to help us in times of trouble.

We rely on Your strength and power to overcome the challenges we face, knowing that You are greater than any adversary. Help us to trust in You wholeheartedly and to seek Your guidance and intervention in every aspect of our lives.

May our faith remain steadfast, and may Your name be glorified through our dependence on You.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


Seeking God's Ways: Lessons from Jehoshaphat's Reign (2 Chronicles 17:1-21:3)


Seeking God's Counsel: Lessons from 2 Chronicles 10:1-14:1