The Day of the Lord: A Devotional on 2 Peter 3:1-18

December 18

Scripture: 2 Peter 3:1-18 (NIV)

In 2 Peter 3:1-18, Peter addresses believers concerning the coming Day of the Lord, urging them to remember the teachings of the prophets and apostles and to live holy and godly lives in anticipation of Christ's return. He addresses scoffers who doubt the reality of Christ's second coming and warns believers to be prepared for the judgment to come.

Peter begins by reminding believers of the importance of remembering the words spoken by the prophets and apostles, as well as the commandments given by the Lord and Savior through His apostles. He acknowledges that in the last days scoffers will come, mocking the promise of Christ's return and questioning the delay of His coming. Peter emphasizes that the Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, but patient, desiring that none should perish but all should come to repentance.

An important verse in this passage is 2 Peter 3:9:

"The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."

Here, Peter highlights the patience and mercy of God in delaying the return of Christ. This verse underscores God's desire for all people to come to repentance and experience salvation, rather than facing the judgment that awaits the ungodly.

This verse holds profound relevance for us today. In a world marked by sin, suffering, and injustice, it's easy to become impatient and lose hope in the promise of Christ's return. However, Peter reminds us that God's apparent delay is not a sign of His forgetfulness or indifference but rather His mercy and desire for all to be saved. It challenges us to align our hearts with God's purposes, actively participating in His redemptive work by sharing the gospel and calling others to repentance.

As we await the Day of the Lord, let us heed the exhortation of Peter. Let us remember the teachings of the prophets and apostles, living holy and godly lives in anticipation of Christ's return. Let us remain steadfast in our faith, knowing that God's timing is perfect and His purposes will be fulfilled. And let us pray earnestly for the salvation of the lost, desiring that all may come to repentance and experience the abundant life found in Christ.


We thank You for Your patience and mercy, desiring that none should perish but all should come to repentance.

Help us to live holy and godly lives as we await the return of Your Son, Jesus Christ.

Give us the courage and boldness to proclaim the gospel to those who are lost, that they may experience the salvation and forgiveness found only in Him.

May we eagerly anticipate the Day of the Lord, knowing that Your promises are sure and Your purposes will be fulfilled.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


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