December 19
Finding Joy
in Every Decision
“So whether you eat or drink or do anything else, do it all for the glory of God.”
1 Corinthians 10:31 NIrV
Carla picked at her salad, feeling a wave of anxiety wash over her. Across the table, her friend Joy was mid-rant about the evils of carbohydrates. "Potatoes? Forget it! They're pure poison," she declared, pushing her plate aside.
Carla sighed. Lately, every meal seemed to turn into a debate about the latest dietary fad. One day, it was all about gluten, the next, it was dairy. Now, it was carbs. It felt like navigating a minefield, constantly trying to decipher which foods were "good" and which were "bad."
The anxiety only intensified when Carla watched a documentary about the food industry. Images of factory farms, pesticide-laden crops, and the environmental impact of mass agriculture flashed across the screen. The narrator spoke of the dangers of processed foods, the hormones pumped into livestock, the chemicals sprayed on our produce. Carla felt overwhelmed, confused, and ultimately, powerless.
"It's impossible to know what to eat anymore," she lamented to Joy. "One scientist says this is good, another says it's toxic. Who do you even believe?"
Joy shrugged, "It's enough to make you want to eat only air!"
Carla chuckled, but the unease lingered. She felt lost, adrift in a sea of conflicting information and contradictory advice. Then, she remembered a verse she had read that morning: "So whether you eat or drink or do anything else, do it all for the glory of God."
The verse offered a different perspective. It wasn't about adhering to the latest diet trend or obsessing over every bite. It was about making choices that honored God, choices that reflected a concern for her health, the environment, and the well-being of others.
Carla realized that she didn't need to be perfect, to follow every fad or fear every ingredient. She could make informed choices, seek out reliable sources of information, and prioritize whole, unprocessed foods whenever possible. Most importantly, she could approach her meals with gratitude, thanking God for the nourishment He provided.
Lord, help me to make choices that honor you in all aspects of my life, including what I eat.
Guide me to make informed decisions that are good for my body, the environment, and the people around me.
Help me to find joy in simple pleasures and to appreciate the blessings of good health.
In Jesus' name, Amen.