Faithful Servants: A Devotional on Acts 15:36-18:23

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October 24

Scripture: Acts 15:36-18:23 (NIV)

In Acts 15:36-18:23, we see the missionary journeys of the apostle Paul and his companions as they travel to various cities, preaching the gospel and establishing churches. This passage highlights the challenges, triumphs, and unwavering commitment of these early missionaries to fulfill the Great Commission given by Jesus to make disciples of all nations. Despite facing opposition, persecution, and personal hardships, Paul and his companions remain faithful to their calling, trusting in God's provision and guidance every step of the way.

One important verse from this passage is:

Acts 16:5 (NIV):

"So the churches were strengthened in the faith and grew daily in numbers."

In this verse, we see the impact of Paul's ministry as he travels from city to city, strengthening the churches and leading many to faith in Christ. Through his teaching, preaching, and example, believers are encouraged and equipped to grow in their faith and share the gospel with others.

This verse underscores the importance of discipleship and community in the life of the church, as believers come together to support, encourage, and edify one another in their walk with Christ.

As we reflect on this passage, we are reminded of the call to proclaim the gospel and make disciples of all nations. Like Paul and his companions, we are called to be witnesses of Christ's love and grace, sharing the good news with those around us and making a difference in our communities and beyond.

Despite the challenges and obstacles we may face, we can take comfort in knowing that God is with us, guiding us and empowering us to fulfill His mission.

The example of Paul and his companions also reminds us of the importance of perseverance and endurance in the Christian life. Throughout their journeys, they faced opposition, rejection, and persecution, yet they remained steadfast in their faith, trusting in God's faithfulness and provision.

Their commitment to the gospel despite adversity serves as a powerful testimony of God's grace and power at work in and through His people.


Heavenly Father, we thank You for the example of Paul and his companions in faithfully proclaiming the gospel and making disciples of all nations.

Grant us the same boldness, courage, and perseverance to share Your love and truth with those around us, knowing that You are with us always. Strengthen Your church, Lord, and help us to grow daily in our faith and commitment to You.

May Your kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


Sharing the Gospel Boldly: A Devotional on Acts 18:24-21:16


The Mission Continues: A Devotional on Acts 12:25-15:35