Prayer for forgiveness

Todays prayer, thank you prayer, thanking God, prayer message, prayer for forgiveness

Dear Heavenly Father,

I come before you humbly, acknowledging my shortcomings and mistakes. I ask for your forgiveness for the times I have fallen short, For the words spoken in anger, the actions taken in haste, And for the ways I have strayed from your path.

I am sorry for the pain I may have caused others, And for the times I have neglected to show love and compassion. Please forgive me for my selfishness and pride, And help me to be more mindful of the needs and feelings of those around me.

Grant me the strength to seek reconciliation where it is needed, And to make amends for any harm I have done. Guide me in the ways of forgiveness and grace, And help me to extend the same mercy to others that you have shown to me.

Thank you for your boundless love and forgiveness, And for the promise of redemption through your Son, Jesus Christ. May I always strive to walk in your ways, And to live a life that is pleasing to you.

In Jesus name, I pray.



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Prayer for the family