February 12
Giving with
“Anyone who is kind to poor people lends to the Lord. God will reward them for what they have done.”
Proverbs 19:17 (NIrV)
Dawn stared at the screen, her heart heavy. The news was filled with images of destruction from the devastating earthquake that had struck Japan. Entire towns were flattened, and families huddled in shelters, unsure of what the future held. Dawn felt a deep ache as she thought about the countless lives disrupted in an instant.
She scrolled past a donation link but hesitated. “I already have so many bills. What difference can I really make?” she thought. Shaking her head, she moved on to other tasks, but the images of children wrapped in blankets and parents searching for loved ones lingered in her mind.
Later that night, as Dawn settled into bed, she whispered a prayer: “Lord, I don’t know what to do. I want to help, but it feels so overwhelming. Please show me how to make a difference.”
The next morning, while reading her Bible, Dawn came across Proverbs 19:17: “Anyone who is kind to poor people lends to the Lord. God will reward them for what they have done.” The verse struck her deeply. She realized that giving wasn’t about solving every problem—it was about trusting God to use her kindness for His purposes.
With renewed clarity, Dawn opened her laptop and donated to a relief fund for the earthquake victims. She didn’t stop there—she also shared the link on her social media, encouraging friends and family to help. To her surprise, her small act inspired others to contribute.
As days passed, Dawn felt peace and joy knowing that she had responded to God’s call to be kind. She saw her contribution as a way to honor God and reflect His love in the lives of those in need.
Dear Lord, thank You for reminding us that every act of kindness matters in Your eyes.
Help us to have generous hearts, even when it feels like our efforts are small.
Teach us to trust You with the outcome of our giving, knowing that You will use it for good.
Thank You for opportunities to reflect
Your love to others in need.
May we always seek to serve You through acts of compassion.
In Jesus' name, Amen.