The Invitation of Wisdom

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June 16

Scripture: Proverbs 9:1-18 (NIV)

In Proverbs 9, wisdom and folly are personified as two women who each offer an invitation. Wisdom is portrayed as a wise and virtuous woman who has built her house, prepared a feast, and sent out invitations to all who are willing to come and partake of her wisdom. Folly, on the other hand, is depicted as an ignorant and reckless woman who sits at the door of her house, calling out to passersby to come and indulge in her fleeting pleasures.

The chapter begins with Wisdom preparing a feast and inviting people to come and partake of her food and drink. She calls out from the highest point in the city, inviting the simple and foolish to come and gain understanding. Wisdom offers knowledge, insight, and understanding to those who will listen and learn from her.

One important verse from this passage is found in:

Proverbs 9:10 (NIV):

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."

This verse highlights the foundational principle of wisdom: reverence and awe for the Lord. True wisdom begins with acknowledging God as the source of all wisdom and understanding. When we recognize His sovereignty and seek to align our lives with His will, we open ourselves up to receiving the wisdom He freely offers.

In contrast, Folly also extends an invitation, but hers leads to destruction and death. She entices the simple-minded with stolen waters and bread eaten in secret, promising pleasure but ultimately delivering sorrow and despair.

The message of Proverbs 9 is relevant to our lives today as we are constantly faced with choices between wisdom and folly. In a world filled with distractions, temptations, and competing voices, we must discern between the invitation of wisdom and the allure of folly. The path of wisdom leads to life, blessing, and fulfillment, while the path of folly leads to destruction and regret.

As believers, we are called to cultivate a heart of wisdom by seeking God's guidance and aligning our lives with His Word. May we heed the invitation of Wisdom, allowing her to instruct us in the ways of righteousness and truth. Let us walk in the fear of the Lord, knowing that it is the beginning of wisdom and the key to a life of purpose and fulfillment.


Gracious Father, we thank You for the invitation of Wisdom, which leads to life and blessing.

Help us to recognize the importance of seeking Your wisdom in all areas of our lives.

Give us discernment to distinguish between the path of wisdom and the path of folly, and the courage to choose wisely.

May we walk in reverence and awe of You, knowing that true wisdom comes from knowing You.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


The Way of Wisdom and Folly


Embracing the Wisdom of God