The Way of Wisdom and Folly

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June 17

Scripture: Proverbs 10:1-32 (NIV)

Proverbs 10 is a collection of wise sayings attributed to King Solomon, known for his wisdom. This chapter contrasts the outcomes of living a life of wisdom versus a life of folly. Each verse presents a proverb that highlights the consequences of various actions, attitudes, and choices.

The chapter begins by stating that a wise son brings joy to his father, while a foolish son brings grief to his mother. This sets the tone for the rest of the chapter, as it explores the contrasting outcomes of wisdom and folly in various aspects of life.

One important verse from this passage is:

Proverbs 10:4 (NIV):

"Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth."

This verse emphasizes the importance of hard work and diligence. It reminds us that success and prosperity are often the result of disciplined effort and perseverance. Conversely, laziness and slothfulness lead to poverty and lack.

Throughout the chapter, other proverbs highlight the benefits of righteousness, integrity, and wise speech, as well as the consequences of dishonesty, deceit, and folly. The overall message is clear: those who walk in the way of wisdom will experience blessings, while those who follow the path of folly will face hardship and ruin.

The message of Proverbs 10 is as relevant today as it was in Solomon's time. In a world filled with moral ambiguity and relativism, the timeless principles of wisdom found in this chapter provide valuable guidance for navigating life's complexities. As believers, we are called to seek wisdom and discernment in all our decisions and actions, knowing that they have far-reaching consequences.

Today, we are bombarded with choices that can either lead us closer to God or pull us away from Him. We must constantly choose to walk in the path of wisdom, seeking God's guidance and relying on His Word to direct our steps. By doing so, we can experience the abundant life that God desires for us.


Heavenly Father, thank You for the wisdom found in Your Word. Help us to heed the teachings of Proverbs 10 and walk in the way of wisdom each day.

Grant us the strength and diligence to work hard and pursue excellence in all we do. May our lives be a reflection of Your truth and righteousness, bringing glory to Your name.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


The Blessings of Righteousness


The Invitation of Wisdom