1. Authorship of Esther

The authorship of the book of Esther is uncertain, as the text itself does not explicitly identify the author. Some scholars suggest that Mordecai, one of the main characters in the story, may have been the author, while others propose that it was composed by a Jewish scribe or historian familiar with the events described.

2. Date of Writing

Esther was likely written during the Persian period, sometime between the late 5th and early 4th centuries BCE. This estimation is based on historical and cultural references within the text, as well as comparisons with other ancient Near Eastern literature.

3. Purpose of the Book

The primary purpose of the book of Esther is to commemorate the deliverance of the Jewish people from the threat of annihilation during their exile in Persia. Through the narrative of Esther, the book highlights God's providential care and faithfulness to His covenant promises, even in times of adversity and apparent absence.

4. Main Characters

Key characters in the book of Esther include Esther herself, a Jewish orphan who becomes queen of Persia; Mordecai, Esther's cousin and guardian; King Xerxes (Ahasuerus), the ruler of the Persian Empire; and Haman, the villainous official who plots to exterminate the Jewish people. Other significant figures include Vashti, the former queen; and various courtiers and officials in the Persian court.

5. Setting and Location

The events of Esther take place primarily in the Persian capital of Susa (Shushan), located in present-day Iran. Susa served as one of the principal cities of the Persian Empire and was known for its grandeur and significance as a political and administrative center.

6. Key Verse

One key verse in Esther is found in Esther 4:14b, where Mordecai encourages Esther to consider that she may have been placed in her position as queen "for such a time as this." This verse highlights the providential nature of Esther's role in the salvation of her people and underscores the theme of divine sovereignty throughout the book.

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