1. Esther:

    Esther is the main character of the book, a Jewish orphan raised by her cousin Mordecai. She becomes queen of Persia after winning a beauty contest organized by King Xerxes. Esther's bravery and quick thinking play a crucial role in saving her people from destruction.

  2. Mordecai:

    Mordecai is Esther's cousin and guardian. He is a wise and faithful man who advises Esther and helps uncover a plot against the king. Mordecai's loyalty to his people and his commitment to God's commandments are central to the story.

  3. King Xerxes (Ahasuerus):

    King Xerxes is the ruler of the Persian Empire during the time of Esther. He is depicted as a powerful yet easily influenced monarch who holds a banquet to display his wealth and authority. Xerxes' decree to annihilate the Jewish people sets the stage for the conflict in the story.

  4. Haman:

    Haman is the antagonist of the story, a high-ranking official in Xerxes' court who harbors a deep-seated hatred for the Jews. He schemes to have all the Jews in the empire killed, particularly targeting Mordecai. Haman's wickedness and arrogance ultimately lead to his downfall.

These characters interact in a gripping narrative of intrigue, danger, and deliverance, showcasing the providential workings of God in preserving His people and fulfilling His promises.

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