Question Request

If you have any questions about Jesus, the Bible, God, Christianity, the Holy Spirit, or any related topics, feel free to ask.

I am here to assist you in understanding and exploring these faith-related matters.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”
— James 1:5



Give whatever you feel comfortable with. God bless you.

Church Jason Russ Church Jason Russ

Why Are So Many People Leaving the Church?

The shift in religious landscapes is profound. The number of individuals choosing to leave the Church is growing, causing significant spiritual and emotional ripples across communities.

This trend isn't just a fleeting moment; it's a seismic change reshaping faith's very fabric. It's essential to explore why people are stepping away and what this means for those seeking spiritual fulfilment.

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Christianity, Christian, Church Jason Russ Christianity, Christian, Church Jason Russ

Is It Okay to Baptize Infants?

Baptism is a deeply significant practice within Christianity, often seen as a rite of passage into the faith. However, the question of whether it's okay to baptize infants has been debated extensively. Various Christian denominations hold different beliefs regarding this practice.

For many, infant baptism is a foundational tradition, while others view it as unnecessary or even improper. Let's explore the perspectives and reasons surrounding this profound question.

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Church, Christianity, Christian Jason Russ Church, Christianity, Christian Jason Russ

What is Tithing and Do I Need to Do It?

The concept of tithing is one that often raises questions among new Christians and those curious about the faith. At its core, tithing is a practice with biblical roots that involves giving a portion of one's income, traditionally 10%, to the church.

The question of whether one needs to tithe is a common query for many entering the faith. Let's explore what tithing really means, its significance, and whether it's something you need to do.

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Church, God Jason Russ Church, God Jason Russ

How Can I Worship God? A Guide for New Christians

Worshipping God is at the heart of Christian life, a practice that deeply connects believers with their Creator. It’s more than a ritual; it’s a lifestyle. Worship in Christianity isn’t limited to church pews or prayer time.

It’s a vibrant expression of faith that permeates every aspect of life. But how can one truly worship God? Let’s explore the ways in which new Christians can engage in meaningful worship.

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Church, Christianity Jason Russ Church, Christianity Jason Russ

How Should I Pray?

Prayer stands as a cornerstone for those embarking on the path of Christianity. Whether you're a newcomer to faith or looking to deepen your connection with God, understanding the art of prayer is vital. Why is prayer so significant?

It's a conversation with the divine, an open line to express gratitude, seek guidance, and find solace. Through prayer, we nurture our relationship with God, making it not just a routine, but a profound spiritual practice that enriches our daily lives.

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Church Jason Russ Church Jason Russ

How to Choose the Right Church to Go to

Finding the right church can be a pivotal step in one's spiritual journey. As a new Christian, attending a church that aligns with your beliefs and values can enhance your spiritual growth, foster community connections, and provide a solid foundation for your faith.

This guide provides insights and practical tips to help you navigate the process of choosing the right congregation.

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Church Jason Russ Church Jason Russ

Why Are There So Many Different Denominations in Christianity?

Christianity's landscape is a mosaic of beliefs, practices, and traditions. This diversity is evident in the multitude of denominations that exist today. If you're newly exploring the Christian faith, you may wonder why there are so many different groups under one religious banner.

Understanding these denominations can enrich your spiritual journey and promote a more inclusive faith experience.

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