Question Request

If you have any questions about Jesus, the Bible, God, Christianity, the Holy Spirit, or any related topics, feel free to ask.

I am here to assist you in understanding and exploring these faith-related matters.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”
— James 1:5



Give whatever you feel comfortable with. God bless you.

Bible, God Jason Russ Bible, God Jason Russ

Are There Different Levels or Degrees of Sin?

In the journey of understanding Christianity, the concept of sin often emerges as a central theme.

Sin, within Christian doctrine, represents actions or thoughts that go against the will of God. But are all sins viewed the same in Christianity, or are there different levels or degrees of sin?

This article aims to explore this question, providing clarity for new Christians who may be curious about how sin is approached within various Christian traditions.

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God Jason Russ God Jason Russ

Why Did God Create Us If He Knew We Would Sin?

The question "Why did God create us if He knew we would sin?" echoes through the minds of many, especially those new to Christianity.

This profound inquiry not only delves into the complexities of humanity's purpose but also touches the core tenets of love, free will, and divine intention.

By exploring this question, we can better understand the nature of God and our own roles within His creation.

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Bible, Christian Jason Russ Bible, Christian Jason Russ

Is Homosexuality a Sin?

For many new Christians eager to understand their faith's teachings, the topic of homosexuality can be particularly complex. It's woven into broader conversations about morality, sin, and how Christians are called to live.

You might wonder, "Why is homosexuality a sin?" This question often arises from curiosity about Biblical teachings and the varied interpretations that exist within religious communities.

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Christian, God Jason Russ Christian, God Jason Russ

What If I Can't Stop Sinning?

Feeling stuck in a cycle of sin can be frustrating and overwhelming, particularly for new Christians. The journey of faith is filled with challenges, and grappling with sin is one of them.

Many ask, “What if I can't stop sinning?” This article aims to explore this question, offering insights and guidance rooted in Christian teachings.

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Christian, Bible Jason Russ Christian, Bible Jason Russ

Is Masturbation a Sin?

Masturbation is a topic that often stirs debate within Christian beliefs, leading to confusion and differing opinions. For new Christians, understanding how this aspect of sexuality fits into their faith journey can feel like navigating a maze.

Is it sinful or simply a natural part of human life? Let's explore this question with empathy and clarity

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