Question Request

If you have any questions about Jesus, the Bible, God, Christianity, the Holy Spirit, or any related topics, feel free to ask.

I am here to assist you in understanding and exploring these faith-related matters.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”
— James 1:5



Give whatever you feel comfortable with. God bless you.

Jesus, God Jason Russ Jesus, God Jason Russ

Should I Stop Using God's Name to Curse?

Using God's name in cursing is a common practice many people may not think twice about. For new Christians, navigating this aspect of language can be challenging and raise questions about faith and daily speech.

Let's explore why this is a significant issue and how you can approach it thoughtfully in your spiritual journey.

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Christian Jason Russ Christian Jason Russ

Should a Christian Use Cuss Words?

Christians often find themselves caught in a tug-of-war between evolving modern language and the teachings of their faith. It's no secret that cussing is prevalent in today's world, but does that mean it's acceptable for Christians to join in?

Let’s explore this topic and see how believers can navigate these linguistic waters.

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