Question Request

If you have any questions about Jesus, the Bible, God, Christianity, the Holy Spirit, or any related topics, feel free to ask.

I am here to assist you in understanding and exploring these faith-related matters.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”
— James 1:5



Give whatever you feel comfortable with. God bless you.

Christian Jason Russ Christian Jason Russ

Can a Christian Drink Alcohol?

Deciding whether a Christian can drink alcohol is a topic that often sparks lively discussions in faith communities. Opinions vary widely, with individuals and denominations interpreting scripture in different ways.

This raises the question: Can a Christian drink alcohol? Balancing personal faith with biblical teachings, this article explores this nuanced subject.

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Christian Jason Russ Christian Jason Russ

Why Do So Many Non-Believers Seem to Have More Fun and Success?

It's a question that often perplexes newly converted Christians: Why do so many non-believers appear to lead more exciting and successful lives?

This observation might lead one to ponder if there is a link between religious beliefs and the manifestation of fun and success.

Let's explore this intriguing phenomenon while keeping an open mind and recognising the diversity in human experiences.

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Bible, Christian, God Jason Russ Bible, Christian, God Jason Russ

How Do I Spread the Word of God to Others?

Sharing the word of God is an essential duty for Christians, especially for those new to the faith. It's not just about quoting scripture or handing out pamphlets; it's about living a vibrant, Christ-centered life that inspires others.

Do you ever wonder how to bring the warmth of your faith into everyday conversations and situations? Let this guide illuminate your path.

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Christian, Bible Jason Russ Christian, Bible Jason Russ

Is Masturbation a Sin?

Masturbation is a topic that often stirs debate within Christian beliefs, leading to confusion and differing opinions. For new Christians, understanding how this aspect of sexuality fits into their faith journey can feel like navigating a maze.

Is it sinful or simply a natural part of human life? Let's explore this question with empathy and clarity

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Christianity, Christian Jason Russ Christianity, Christian Jason Russ

Why Doesn't God Answer My Prayers?

New Christians often grapple with a fundamental question: why doesn't God answer my prayers? It can sometimes feel like casting a message into a bottle, only for it never to wash ashore.

Understanding the nature of God and the purpose of prayer can shed light on this common struggle. Let's dive into this profound question and explore how our spiritual journey can be enriched by understanding this dynamic more deeply.

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Christian Jason Russ Christian Jason Russ

Should a Christian Use Cuss Words?

Christians often find themselves caught in a tug-of-war between evolving modern language and the teachings of their faith. It's no secret that cussing is prevalent in today's world, but does that mean it's acceptable for Christians to join in?

Let’s explore this topic and see how believers can navigate these linguistic waters.

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Christian Jason Russ Christian Jason Russ

How Can I Forgive Someone if I Am Hurt and Angry?

Forgiveness is a core tenet of the Christian faith, yet it can feel incredibly challenging when you're hurt and angry. You may find yourself in a turmoil of emotions, questioning how to let go and move forward.

It's essential to understand that forgiveness is a journey, not a destination, and it's okay to feel conflicted along the way. So, how do you embark on this path and find peace within yourself?

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Christian Jason Russ Christian Jason Russ

As a New Christian, Will I Be Judged About My Past?

Becoming a new Christian is an uplifting journey, but it also comes with questions and concerns. One crucial question that often arises is whether you will be judged for your past actions.

This fear can create emotional barriers, affecting your ability to fully embrace your faith. Rest assured, you're not alone in these feelings, and there's a wealth of understanding to be shared.

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Christian Jason Russ Christian Jason Russ

Isn't Christianity Boring?

Christianity often finds itself labelled as boring, especially by those looking from the outside in. This perception might seem pervasive, but it's crucial to question it.

Is this label truly reflective of the Christian experience, or is it based on stereotypes and misconceptions? Understanding the vibrancy and dynamism of faith can lead to a much richer perspective.

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Christian Jason Russ Christian Jason Russ

Should a Christian Celebrate Halloween?

The celebration of Halloween sparks diverse opinions within the Christian community. Some see it as a harmless festivity, while others view it as a celebration steeped in pagan rituals.

To fully understand this subject, it's essential to explore Halloween's origins, its current significance, and the different perspectives held by Christians today.

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