Question Request

If you have any questions about Jesus, the Bible, God, Christianity, the Holy Spirit, or any related topics, feel free to ask.

I am here to assist you in understanding and exploring these faith-related matters.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”
— James 1:5



Give whatever you feel comfortable with. God bless you.

Christianity, Christian Jason Russ Christianity, Christian Jason Russ

Why Doesn't God Answer My Prayers?

New Christians often grapple with a fundamental question: why doesn't God answer my prayers? It can sometimes feel like casting a message into a bottle, only for it never to wash ashore.

Understanding the nature of God and the purpose of prayer can shed light on this common struggle. Let's dive into this profound question and explore how our spiritual journey can be enriched by understanding this dynamic more deeply.

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Church, Christianity Jason Russ Church, Christianity Jason Russ

How Should I Pray?

Prayer stands as a cornerstone for those embarking on the path of Christianity. Whether you're a newcomer to faith or looking to deepen your connection with God, understanding the art of prayer is vital. Why is prayer so significant?

It's a conversation with the divine, an open line to express gratitude, seek guidance, and find solace. Through prayer, we nurture our relationship with God, making it not just a routine, but a profound spiritual practice that enriches our daily lives.

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Christianity Jason Russ Christianity Jason Russ

Is Christianity Out of Date?

In today's rapidly evolving society, there's a growing debate about whether Christianity remains relevant. For some, the faith might seem like an ancient relic, while others see its core teachings as timeless.

Among new Christians, there's often a sense of confusion as they navigate faith in a world that appears increasingly distant from traditional religious values. With technology and cultural norms shifting our everyday lives, is Christianity keeping pace, or is it truly out of date?

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Christianity Jason Russ Christianity Jason Russ

Aren’t There Too Many Restrictions on Becoming a Christian?

Entering the world of Christianity often brings up concerns about the perceived restrictions that come along with the faith. Many wonder if embracing Christianity means stepping into a life filled with endless rules. Yet, understanding these 'restrictions' in their true context is crucial for anyone seeking to follow this path.

This article aims to clear the air by diving deep into what these restrictions mean, how they align with core Christian principles, and exploring common misconceptions associated with the faith.

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Christianity Jason Russ Christianity Jason Russ

Will I Have to Give Up My Old Friends to Become a Christian?

Transitioning to a Christian way of life often stirs a whirlwind of emotions. Amidst the joy and peace, there's a lingering anxiety about the changes that might come, particularly in the realm of friendships.

Will embracing Christianity mean leaving behind your old companions? Let's journey through these questions with empathy and understanding.

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Christianity Jason Russ Christianity Jason Russ

What Will My Friends and Family Say if I Believe in Jesus?

Embracing a new belief can be a profound experience, particularly when it involves faith. Transitioning into Christianity can stir a mix of emotions, especially concerning what friends and family might think.

Understanding these dynamics is crucial for navigating your spiritual journey. Let’s delve into how this decision can impact your relationships and how to handle these changes with grace and confidence.

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Christianity Jason Russ Christianity Jason Russ

Is Christianity a Cult?

When we hear the word "cult," it often brings to mind secretive groups with questionable motives. At times, mainstream religions like Christianity have also faced accusations of being cults.

Understanding the distinction between a religion and a cult is essential, so let's dive into what these terms mean and why such confusion arises.

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