Question Request

If you have any questions about Jesus, the Bible, God, Christianity, the Holy Spirit, or any related topics, feel free to ask.

I am here to assist you in understanding and exploring these faith-related matters.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”
— James 1:5



Give whatever you feel comfortable with. God bless you.

Bible, Christian, God Jason Russ Bible, Christian, God Jason Russ

How Do I Spread the Word of God to Others?

Sharing the word of God is an essential duty for Christians, especially for those new to the faith. It's not just about quoting scripture or handing out pamphlets; it's about living a vibrant, Christ-centered life that inspires others.

Do you ever wonder how to bring the warmth of your faith into everyday conversations and situations? Let this guide illuminate your path.

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Church, God Jason Russ Church, God Jason Russ

How Can I Worship God? A Guide for New Christians

Worshipping God is at the heart of Christian life, a practice that deeply connects believers with their Creator. It’s more than a ritual; it’s a lifestyle. Worship in Christianity isn’t limited to church pews or prayer time.

It’s a vibrant expression of faith that permeates every aspect of life. But how can one truly worship God? Let’s explore the ways in which new Christians can engage in meaningful worship.

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God, Bible Jason Russ God, Bible Jason Russ

How Can the Bible Be the Word of God if Humans wrote it?

As new Christians, it’s common to grapple with the question: How can the Bible, penned by human authors across centuries, truly be regarded as the Word of God? This question is fundamental for deepening one’s faith and understanding the divine nature of Scripture.

Exploring this topic not only fortifies belief but also enriches our spiritual journey. Let’s unpack how the Bible, despite its human authorship, stands as the divine Word.

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God Jason Russ God Jason Russ

If God Exists, Why Is There So Much Evil in the World?

For many new Christians, the question of why a benevolent and omnipotent God allows evil to exist is a challenging one. This query often leads to deep soul-searching and can be pivotal in one's spiritual growth.

Understanding how theology reconciles God's nature with the reality of evil is crucial for building a strong foundation of faith.

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God Jason Russ God Jason Russ

Can Anyone Prove That God Is Real?

The quest to prove God's existence is an age-old pursuit that has intrigued philosophers, scientists, believers, and skeptics alike. Its significance lies in the impact it has on faith, morality, and human existence.

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